Mar 22

When browsing the web from your iPhone or iPod Touch, we all have noticed the very handy .com button that Apple? has? implemented into the keyboard.? But what about international domains like .fr .nl etc .Well ? Apple has thought about this too. Let me explain how to activate this nifty feature.

1. Go to your settings page, choose General and then Keyboard.? When browsing the web from your iPhone or iPod Touch, we all have noticed the very handy .com button that Apple has? implemented into the keyboard.? But what about international domains like .fr .nl etc .Well ? Apple has thought about this too. Let me explain how to activate this nifty feature.
1. Go to your settings page, choose? General and then Keyboard.

2. Enable the keyboard languages of the keyboards you want to use.

3. When in Safari you want to browse to an international site. Tap the Globe to select your language.

4. Then hold down the .com key, and after a brief second a new menu should pop up with the international extention you need.
Here you go, your internationalized domain extentions. ?
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One Response to “Add International Domain Extensions to .com Key”

  1. Joopmicroop Says:

    heb hier een probleempje mee.. Hij toont bij de taal nederlands de .NL extensie.. kan ik die in een of andere file veranderen naar .BE?

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