Jun 15

Microsoft has released a new iPad vs Windows 8 tablet ad, focusing on zoom, SD card slots and multitasking. See how the Dell XPS 10 with Windows RT stacks up against the iPad. In the “funny” commercial, Microsoft is using Siri’s voice to Poke Fun at the iPad. Check out the commercial after the break. » Microsoft Releases New iPad vs Windows 8 Tablet Ad Using Siri’s Voice

Sep 16

windows 8 slate ipad ios 5
Microsoft unveiled its Windows 8 developer preview earlier this week, but how does it compare to iOS? In the video after the break Winrumors compared the iPad iOS 5 and the Windows 8 Slate. In this 11 minutes long video they check almost every feature that these tablets offer, from lock-screen to social network integration. Pretty interesting and it looks pretty good for a Windows System. Check the movie after the break. » iPad 2 On iOS 5 vs Windows 8 Slate