Jul 01

Pangu Jailbreak iOS 7.1.x

The Pangu development team has updated their jailbreak tool forĀ for iOS 7.1.x, bringing support for the English language and OS X systems. It also comes with a fix for a bug that caused boot loops on iOS devices. » Pangu iOS 7.1.x Jailbreak Tool Update, Brings Support for OS X and English

Feb 05

Evad3rs “a new team including some of the top iOS jailbreak authors” has just released Evasi0n, a new untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.x that can be used on OS X, Windows, and Linux. This is the first time people can get an untethered jailbreak on the iPhone 5. » Evasi0n: First Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 5 and iOS 6.x

Jan 05

The hacker Planetbeing posted on redditI have an untethered iOS 6.0.2 JB running on my iPhone 5 right now.” and it will be only a matter of time before a jailbreak is a reality. The reason why he is waiting to release the jailbreak to thev public has everything to do with good timing. » Planetbeing Got Untethered iOS 6.0.2 Jailbreak, Will Be Released To Public Soon?

May 25

The Chronic Dev Team finally released Absinthe 2.0. “After copious amounts of work and many sleepless nights Absinthe 2.0 is finally here to jailbreak your device“. This release has been a large collaborative effort between Chronic-Dev Team and iPhone Dev Teams. This jailbreak supports firmware 5.1.1 ONLY and is again one of the most easiest jailbreaks to use. » Absinthe 2.0: Untethered Jailbreak For iOS 5.1.1 Has Just Arrived

May 21


Pod2g is working on an Untethered jailbreak tool for iOS 5.1.1 called Absinthe 2.0 and According to pod2g, the release of the untethered jailbreak does not appear to be that far off. pod2g tweeted ” Thanks to awesome work of @planetbeing and @pimskeks, we’re near ready for a release. Now it’s a matter of days”.

» Untethered Absinthe 2.0 Jailbreak For iOS 5.1.1 To Be Released Within Days

May 12

pod2g announced that he successfully untethered jailbroken an iPad 3 running iOS 5.1. There is still no word on when a new jailbreak will be released, but we hope it will be soon. In the meantime check out the video above. » iPad 3 iOS 5.1 Untethered Jailbreak

Dec 27

@pod2g has made a Untethered Jailbreak solution available for non-A5 devices. That means iPad 2 and iPhone 4S are obviously left out on this one, but the chronic devteam and iPhone devteam have been working hard to package it into redsn0w and PwnageTool for everyone else. If you are interested in giving it a shot, you can grab it through Cydia and follow the steps after the break. » First Untethered Jailbreak For iOS 5.0.1 For Non-A5 Devices [How To]

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