Dec 25

Cydia Saving iOS 5.0.1 Blobs
This is just a quick note to let you know that Cydia is saving blobs for iOS 5.0.1 now. Using these blobs, you will be able to eventually downgrade your iDevices. You can use TinyUmbrella or Redsn0w to save your blobs. Read more about blobs and related tools here. » Cydia Is Now Saving iOS 5.0.1 Blobs

Dec 05

Back in June, iH8sn0w released a new tool called iFaith which dumps SHSH blobs for present iOS revision on iDevice and creates a pre-signed IPSW. Today he updates iFaith to v1.4, and comes with the following changes: » iH8sn0w Releases iFaith v1.4 To Save SHSH Blobs Of An Unsigned iOS