Oct 13

Apple created a new section in iTunes where you can purchase Ringtones and Alert or text message tones, such as sound effects from famous movies including Star Wars and Jaws. “The iTunes Store on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch now includes the Tone Store — an incredible spectrum of music ringtones and alert tones that can be assigned to any alert setting on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.” » Apple Has Launches Store for Text Message/Alert Tones
Oct 07

You know you have been there. You are standing in line at the grocery store listening to iPod on your iPhone and inexplicably Marvin Gaye’s ‘Lets get it on’ pops up next on the shuffle. You think to yourself, “Oh snap, I just found my honey’s new ringtone!” Here are your options. Go through the laborious process of creating the ringtone when you get home. The problem is you will most likely forget that brilliant idea by the time you get there. Option 2 is purchase the ringtone directly from the iTunes Music Store. In doing so however, you just purchased a 30 second snippet of a song that you already own. Option 3, and frankly the best option in my humble little opinion, is to use that same 99 cents and get the Best Ringtone Maker app for your iPhone. Uhhh… Lets see, 99 cents for a 30 second snippet of a song that I already own? or 99 cents for an application that I can use to turn any song (as long as its DRM free) in my iPhone into a ringtone… yeah tough choice I know… go with the Best Ringtone Maker. » App Review: Best Ringtone Maker
Dec 04

Ringostation is a website where you can get ringtones and wallpapers from. It’s a huge collection of all kinds of ringtones. You have to join in order to get those high quality ringtones and beautiful wallpapers.
» Want 750000 Ringtones? Go To Ringostation
Jul 24

Are you searching for ringtones and/or wallpapers, search no longer. We have the perfect link for you. Ringostation has over 750.000 ringtones and more than 10.000 wallpapers ready to be downloaded to your iPhone. This is the most complete ringtone and wallpaper database you can find on the web.
» Ringostation: The Best Ringtones And Wallpapers
Sep 23
Some time ago I brought you the news that Skrew (danstaface) is working on porting his very popular app vWallpaper to firmware 2.*. I had the privilige to beta test the vwallpaper application and it’s almost ready to be released on a global level. What’s new is that Eric (Skrew) has also started to port his RingTones application to firmware 2.* !! Now this is something i’ve been waiting for! For now no release dates are available but keep tuning back to see the updates.
» RingTones and vWallPaper going firmware 2.*
Jul 21
iRinger is an application that allows you to edit songs and export them to iTunes to use as iPhone ringtones. It is compatible with firmwares 1.1.2 and up, including 2.0 and iTunes 7.7. » iRinger: free ringtones for your iPhone
Jun 30
VideosTone 1.0 is a new application from iFoneTec. We love our ringtones but what if you could set a video instead of these same old same old tones? Well now we have VideosTone , the application allows you to individually set a video per contact on in-coming calls for the Apple iPhone.
» VideosTone – Play a video as your iPhone ringtone