Oct 18

Gameloft just released the new game Star Battalion, which is a well designed 3D space shooter. It is the first game which makes use of both the Game Center and the Gameloft Live!-service. You can complete some mission in single player mode “which gives 3,5 hours of gameplay” or you can battle against your friends. in multiplayer mode. » Star Battalion: New 3D Space Shooter From Gameloft

Oct 06

The iPhone 4’s Retina display is the highest resolution phone screen,ever. Which means all your photos, movies, emails, and even apps look more amazing than ever before.

Aug 22

There is a new update available in the App Store since yesterday for the popular game Doodle Jump. In this update the graphics on the app take full advantage of the iPhone 4’s Retina Display. Till now only three stages has been updated for the Retina Display but “Pusenjak” said the other stages are almost done and will be released “soon” in the next update. Still don’t have Doodle Jump on your iDevice? Download it in the App Store for just 99 cents. » Doodle Jump: Retina Display Update!

Aug 11

John Gruber, the owner of the Daring Fireball is well known when it goes about predicting features of upcoming Apple products. In one of his last stories he wrote the next sentence “if you wait a few weeks to buy the Touch, you’ll get one with a Retina Display and dual cameras.”. It does not really sound impossible, because there are already a lot of rumors going around the web telling the next gen iPod Touch can make FaceTime calls using registered email address. So does this mean the next gen iPod Touch will be like the iPhone 4 without the Phone app? Guess we will find out within the next couple of weeks.

Jun 29

Apple iPhone
To create a iPhone 4 “16GB version” you need about $187.51 in raw parts, according to iSuppli. This makes the iPhone 4 Apple’s most expensive phone ever since the original iPhone. The most expensive part of the iPhone 4 is the retina display screen which cost $28.50 per unit, the second most expensive part of the phone is the A4 processor which cost $10.75 per unit. Its still just an estimate but iSuppli has a lot of experience and knows where they are talking about.

Jun 25

The iPhone 4 has officially been launched and the first problems are already been reported. After a lot of Apple fans unboxed their iPhone 4, they noticed some yellow spots on the Retina Display “about the size of shirt buttons”.

In the bottom 10% of the screen there are three blotches about the size of shirt buttons that discolor the screen a brown/yellow color.” You can see a demonstration of that anomaly in the image to the right.

As you can understand the costumers are not happy with this, but there is a fix for this problem. Just keep on using your device and the yellow spots will disappear. Explanation after the break. » iPhone 4 Screen Contains Yellow Spots

Jun 11

iphone 4 hands on
A lot of people already got the opportunity to test the new iPhone 4 and some of them created a Hands-On video about it. So if you are still not sure if you would like to buy the new iPhone or not, check out these 7 Hands-On videos below with a total of 19 minutes. In the videos you can see FaceTime, the Retina Display, the dual microphone and a comparison with the Android. » 7 iPhone 4 Hands-On Videos

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