Oct 03

Planetbeing has tweeted a few hours ago to inform people that the evaders team is working on an iOS 7 jailbreak and that they might just have all the pieces of the puzzle. Planetbeing Tweet “We’re still working hard on the jailbreak. May have all the pieces at this point (but not certain yet).» Planetbeing On The iOS 7 Jailbreak: “May Have All The Pieces At This Point”

Jan 05

The hacker Planetbeing posted on redditI have an untethered iOS 6.0.2 JB running on my iPhone 5 right now.” and it will be only a matter of time before a jailbreak is a reality. The reason why he is waiting to release the jailbreak to thev public has everything to do with good timing. » Planetbeing Got Untethered iOS 6.0.2 Jailbreak, Will Be Released To Public Soon?

Oct 01

The iOS hacker pod2g took the stage at JailbreakCon this weekend, where he explained how he came up with Absinthe, his iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak. But the question that was on everybody’s mind was “when are you coming up with an iOS 6 jailbreak”. » Pod2g At JailbreakCon, Said That There Is No iOS 6 Jailbreak

Jan 16

FSM reported that Planetbeing got unsigned code running on the iPhone 4S and said that there is a lot of work still left to be done before a jailbreak for the iPhone 4S will be released. A little later the first video of a jailbroken iPhone 4S iOS 5.0.1 was found on YouTube which you can see after the break. It looks like a jailbreak for the A5 devices would not take to long anymore before it will be released to the public. » Jailbroken iPhone 4S Running iOS 5.0.1, Will Not Take Long Before A5 Jailbreak

Aug 01

Some good news from planetbeing today, he created a unlock for the iPhone 4 and will be holding a test period of 48 hours. If everything works like planned, a unlock for the iPhone 4 will be released after the test period. It is already working, but planetbeing just need to do some finishing touches. We will let you know when planetbeing released the iPhone 4 unlock.

Jul 15

We just told you that PlanetBeing successfully unlocked the iPhone 4. Today he uploaded a movie to YouTube where he is showing the unlocked device and explains how they managed to unlock it. They are still working on improving the unlock because now it still takes 5 minutes to unlock a device. You also need a jailbroken iDevice before you can unlock, so we also need to wait for iOS 4 jailbreak but at this point Comex is working on a jailbreak for iOS4. At least we now know it is possible to jailbreak and unlock iOS4 and the iPhone 4, we just have to wait for the public release.

Jul 13

iphone 4 unlocked
Today MuscleNerd announced via Twitter that planetbeing successfully unlocked the iPhone 4. A view days earlier they already said they have it working as a background process, but today it looks like they made the final steps and created a working unlock for the iPhone 4. Now all we need to do is wait for the unlock to be released, we will keep you updated.