Nov 04

MuscleNerd tweeted the above screen shot of him gaining root access to the new tablet, showing that he has a jailbroken iPad Mini. MuscleNerd said that he used the same “failbreak” method Chpwn used to jailbreak the iPhone 5 to exploit the mini, unfortunately “failbreak” is a term used for jailbreaking methods that can not be released to public. » iPad Mini Jailbroken

Mar 17

MuscleNerd is a well known jailbreaker and he has once again shown his face on Twitter. He claims to have jailbroken the new iPad. The third generation has only been available for a day, but jailbreaking the device has been successful. Don’t get your hopes up too high though. MuscleNerd says there’s still al lot of work to do before the jailbreak will be publicly available. He doesn’t know when, but it can’t be too long from now.

Nov 28

iPhone DevTeam iPhone 4S Unlock
MuscleNerd has announced that they have an iPhone 4S unlock in the making. “Crazy Thanksgiving weekend! Very promising 4S unlock ( is in the works (Not i4, just 4S..that is crazy part)“. » iPhone DevTeam Working On An iPhone 4S Unlock

Oct 13

MuscleNerd has announced that they “will coordinate ultrasn0w iOS5 compatibility update to come out *after* a planned MobileSubstrate update tomorrow”. This means they will update Ultrasnow with iOS 5 and old baseband support soon. How soon they will release an updated version of Ultrasnow is unknown, but they will start creating this update tomorrow. » iPhone DevTeam Will Update Ultrasn0w For iOS5

Oct 07
Just a quick note to inform you that got a new, unknown owner. According to Comex and the Dev Team there is a change that this website will now contain hack or malware. According to MuscleNerd all the web-based JBs will be at now. So do not use anymore and wait till Comex or the Dev Team will announce the start of » Will Be Do Not Use Anymore! [jailbreak]

Oct 17

MuscleNerd from the Dev-Team posted an interesting tweet on his Twitter page, saying it will be possible to jailbreaks all future A4 firmware’s. “Think we’ve figured out a way to extend PwnageTool+limera1n+@comex hacks to untethered JBs for all future A4 firmwares” says MuscleNerd. » Untethered Jailbreaks For All Future A4 Firmware’s [jailbreak]

Jul 13

iphone 4 unlocked
Today MuscleNerd announced via Twitter that planetbeing successfully unlocked the iPhone 4. A view days earlier they already said they have it working as a background process, but today it looks like they made the final steps and created a working unlock for the iPhone 4. Now all we need to do is wait for the unlock to be released, we will keep you updated.

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