Feb 02

Strategy Analytics reports that Apple overtook Samsung as the market leader in mobile phones in the United States for the final quarter of 2012, being the first time Apple has held the top spot in overall mobile phone shipments. However Samsung still led for the year as a whole. » Apple Overtakes Samsung in Q4 2012 Mobile Phone Marketshare in U.S.

Dec 22

Research firm Kantar Worldpanel has released data about the Smartphone market share for the September-November period in 2011 and 2012. It shows that Apple has set a record high with 53.3% of the market, compare to 35.8% one year ago. However, Apple is doing less in Europe, where it grow 2.5% compared to last year. In Europe Apple has 25.3% of the market, Android has surged farther ahead with a 9.2 percentage point gain and now holds 61% of the market. » Apple Smartphone Market Share Grown To 53.3% In U.S. However, Android Holds Strong in Europe

Dec 02

ComScore created a report showing key trends in the U.S. mobile phone industry during the three month average period ending October 2012. They surveyed more than 30,000 U.S. mobile subscribers and found Samsung to be the top handset manufacturer overall with 26.3 percent market share and Apple coming in second at 17.8% and LG .2 points behind in the number three slot with 17.6%. They also checked the top Smartphone platforms and results show that Google Android continued to lead among smartphone platforms, accounting for 53.6 percent of smartphone subscribers, while Apple secured 34.3 percent. » Apple Second In October 2012 U.S. Mobile Phone Market Share

Aug 02

According to the latest data from IDC, the iPad set a shipment record in Q2 2012, which led to a “better-than-anticipated” quarter for the entire tablet market. Interesting to see is that Samsung & ASUS are slowly gaining market share, but are still far away from Apple. In the graphic above you can see Tablet market share stats from 2011 and 2012. » iPad Still Owns 2/3rds Of The Tablet Market

Jul 26

android-infograph-live 1
xcubelabs has created a new inforgraphic, this time not about the iPhone, but about the competition. The Android Story. In this inforgraphic they show us the Worldwide Andoird Market Share. Check the infographic after the break. » The Android Story: New Infographic By xcubelabs [infographic]