Oct 03
Planetbeing has tweeted a few hours ago to inform people that the evaders team is working on an iOS 7 jailbreak and that they might just have all the pieces of the puzzle. Planetbeing Tweet “We’re still working hard on the jailbreak. May have all the pieces at this point (but not certain yet).” » Planetbeing On The iOS 7 Jailbreak: “May Have All The Pieces At This Point”
Jul 02
Last night, Ryan Petrich posted a picture of Activator installed on an iPod Touch running iOS 7 beta. The post didn’t mention anything about an iOS 7 jailbreak but, given the source, there’s not much reason to doubt the legitimacy of the screenshot. » iOS 7 Has Already Been Jailbroken
Apr 16
Atom is a new upcoming Cydia tweak for iOS that allows you to customize the lockscreen by choosing your 6 favorite apps to display on the lockscreen for quick access. The tweak should be available in Cydia this week. Check out after the break to see a video preview of Atom. » Atom: Upcoming Tweak For iOS [jailbreak]
Apr 13
In the video after the break you will see yesterday’s evad3rs Q&A from HITB conference in Amsterdam, where the team answers questions about jailbreaking and exploits. They also point out that there will be no jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3. Check out the video after the break or the 100-slide long presentation here.
» Evad3rs Q&A From HITB Conference In Amsterdam [jailbreak]
Apr 12
Just a little note for all the jailbreak fans: Yesterday, Evad3rs has presented their work on the evasi0n jailbreaking tool at the HITBSECCONF 2013 in Amsterdam. The presentation ( 100 slides long ) is now available online, and you can check it here. » Evad3rs: Swiping Through Modern Security Features [jailbreak]
Apr 05
LockLauncher is a jailbreak tweak that lets you launch multiple apps at once from your lockscreen and has just been updated to version 2.0. The update includes several improvements, including iOS 6, iPhone 5 support and more. Check out after the break for a video demo from the LockLauncher developer, Akhil Tolani. » LockLauncher 2.0 Supports iOS 6 & iPhone 5 [jailbreak]
Apr 03
Member of evad3rs “pod2g“, announced on Twitter that the evad3rs team is not working on an iOS 6.1.3 jailbreak. “we are not working on a 6.1.3 jailbreak, that would be too much efforts for a minimal update. We’re waiting for a major release.” This means that we have to wait till iOS 6.2 “if Apple will release such an update” or iOS 7. » No Jailbreak For iOS 6.1.3