Warning From iPhone Dev Team About Firmware 3.1

Here’s a warning from the Dev Team about iPhone firmware 3.1. » Warning From iPhone Dev Team About Firmware 3.1
Here’s a warning from the Dev Team about iPhone firmware 3.1. » Warning From iPhone Dev Team About Firmware 3.1
This app automatically sets your iPhone in silent mode when you are in a meeting and will also automatically return to ring mode at the end of the meeting. The app is called “iSilent” and can be found in the Cydia App Store.
We all know Snow Leopard is available for everybody since Friday. With all the new changes, there could be security changes that prevent people from jailbreaking their iPhone. But, says the Dev Team, don’t worry, the new Mac OS X won’t be a threat to the jailbroken iPhones. It is jailbreak safe, according to the Dev Team.
You would expect that I have a jailbroken iPhone, right? Well I do. Since yesterday. I finally decided to jailbreak my iPhone and WOW, I slap myself and think “why didn’t I do this earlier?”. It’s so much better then what Apple gives us. And I just found out that I now belong to the small 8,43% of people who have a jailbroken iPhone. I feel so happy.
Imported iPhones often have the problem that after the jailbreak of OS 3.0, the YouTube application and the Push notifications don’t work anymore. The iPhone Dev Team have now come up with a solution where they solve the push-problem with ‘PushFix’. Team-member @planetbeing announced the fix via Twitter, but says that it is a quick-and-dirty-solution. To use you need a friend with an iPod touch or an activated iPhone. » iPhone Dev Team Released PushFix
If you want a task done then stay up all night. If something is so important, and if it must be ready as soon as possible, then it must have something to do with the iPhone. GeoHot decided to do that and work as long as needed to complete his mission.
As you know jailbreaking and unlocking tools for iPhone 2G and 3G were successfully released by the iPhone Dev-Team. Unfortunately  all you lucky bastards with the new 3Gs will not be able to use them , because they are not compatible with the new device.
The good news though, is that Geohot is back at it again and it looks like he has already found a method to jailbreak the iPhone 3GS! » Possible Jailbreak iPhone 3GS