Jan 16

FSM reported that Planetbeing got unsigned code running on the iPhone 4S and said that there is a lot of work still left to be done before a jailbreak for the iPhone 4S will be released. A little later the first video of a jailbroken iPhone 4S iOS 5.0.1 was found on YouTube which you can see after the break. It looks like a jailbreak for the A5 devices would not take to long anymore before it will be released to the public. » Jailbroken iPhone 4S Running iOS 5.0.1, Will Not Take Long Before A5 Jailbreak

Dec 30

chpwn released another powerful tweak for jailbroken iOS users, this time an enhancement to the softwares multitasking feature. Zephyr is multitasking gestures for iPhone and iPod touch. From swiping up to show the multitasking switcher or quickly swiping to a different app, Zephyr is all you need to quickly and easily control multitasking. » Meego-like Swipe Multitasking Gestures On The iPhone [jailbreak]

Dec 29

SiriPrefs is a new tweak that basically integrates a SBSettings-like functionality in Siri. SiriPrefs will allow you to launch applications, settings categories, etc using Siri. By using Bing as a navigation tool, you can open up any app or any of the preferences in Settings.app. Check out after the break to see SiriPrefs in action. » SiriPrefs: Use Siri To Control Your iPhone Apps & Settings

Dec 28

This is just a quick note that after the release of an untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 Saurik now comes with an Cydia update. It is an incremental update that brings bug fixes and small security patches but it is definitely recommended that you update now. To update, just load Cydia and it will prompt you to update essentials.

Dec 27

@pod2g has made a Untethered Jailbreak solution available for non-A5 devices. That means iPad 2 and iPhone 4S are obviously left out on this one, but the chronic devteam and iPhone devteam have been working hard to package it into redsn0w and PwnageTool for everyone else. If you are interested in giving it a shot, you can grab it through Cydia and follow the steps after the break. » First Untethered Jailbreak For iOS 5.0.1 For Non-A5 Devices [How To]

Dec 27

After talking about it since the day Apple released the iPhone 4S with Siri it finally is here. Chpwn and Ryan Petrich went public today with a Siri port called Spire and it is a Free, legal Siri port for all jailbroken iOS 5 devices and is available now. Check out after the break to see Chpwn and Ryan Petrich introducing Spire and a video of a working Siri port. » Spire: Free Siri Port For All iOS 5 Devices

Dec 25

Cydia Saving iOS 5.0.1 Blobs
This is just a quick note to let you know that Cydia is saving blobs for iOS 5.0.1 now. Using these blobs, you will be able to eventually downgrade your iDevices. You can use TinyUmbrella or Redsn0w to save your blobs. Read more about blobs and related tools here. » Cydia Is Now Saving iOS 5.0.1 Blobs

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