Jul 01

The Pangu development team has updated their jailbreak tool for for iOS 7.1.x, bringing support for the English language and OS X systems. It also comes with a fix for a bug that caused boot loops on iOS devices. » Pangu iOS 7.1.x Jailbreak Tool Update, Brings Support for OS X and English
Mar 11

Apple has just released iOS 7.1 to the public and can now be downloaded for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The update comes with Touch ID fingerprint recognition improvements, bug fixes and support for the new CarPlay feature. » Apple Releases iOS 7.1: Comes With CarPlay, Touch ID Improvements, Visual Tweaks and More
Feb 23

Apple released iOS 7.0.6 yesterday which includes a patch for SSL connection verification. The Evasi0n7 jailbreaking tool didn’t support the new beta so evad3rs released an updated version of evasi0n7 that includes support for iOS 7.0.6. » Evasi0n7 Updated With iOS 7.0.6 Support
Feb 06

Weatherboard is a new Cydia tweak which allows you to set your favourite animated weather condition as your lock screen and/or home screen wallpaper. In the settings, there are over 80 different animated weather conditions to choose from. » Weatherboard: New Jailbreak Tweak Brings 80 Different Animated Weather Wallpapers To iOS 7
Feb 05

Apple has just released iOS 7.1 Beta 5 to developers, which comes with some minor updates. In the latest Beta Apple has tweaked the Shift keys to make it clearer when shift and caps lock are enabled. Apple also added a “Buy Album” button in iTunes Radio and added new Siri voices for English (Australia), English (United Kingdom), Japanese, and Chinese (Mandarin – China). » Apple Released iOS 7.1 Beta 5
Jan 24

TinyBar is a new Cydia tweak, which cuts notification banners in iOS 7 down to size. The tweak comes with its very own dedicated preference pane in the Settings.app where you can set the banner height and duration and also you can enable disable the tweak and allow the notification to scroll to the end, show the title or show the icon of the app that sends the notification. » TinyBar: Thinner Banner Notifications on iOS 7 [jailbreak]
Jan 22

Since iOS 7 almost everything about iOS has been changed, a lot of people like the new look of iOS, but a lot also prefer the old iOS 6 look. If you are one of those people that prefer iOS 6 over iOS 7 and you don’t like the blurred and translucent dock on iOS 7, ClassicDock is exactly what you’re looking for. ClassicDock brings back the reflective glass dock we know from iOS 6 into your iOS 7 device. Just install and you’re done. No options to configure. » Bring iOS 6 Reflective Glass Dock Back To iOS 7 [jailbreak]