Jul 02

The blog of iLiumSoft has a new article regarding the upcoming eWallet AppStore application for the iPhone and iPod Touch. eWallet has been a well know application that can safeguard all your personal data. I used it a long time ago together with my Windoze mobile HTC and it was already one of my favorite applications. For all of you who don’t know eWallet, here’s some short information.
» AppStore – eWallet for iPhone

Jun 29

GoodCalculator is not a iPhone calculator replacement but a new one that will be installed. GoodCalculator looks almost exactly to the Calculator in firmware 2.0 but it adds some extra options. A (+-) sign, a percentage (%) sign and a back space (<–) option.
» GoodCalculator – A iPhone calculator replacement.

Jun 29

IntelliScreen received it’s almost daily update. Version 1.08 only fixes some bugs and no new features have been introduced. The full changelog after the break.
» IntelliScreen 1.08 – A iPhone today sceen application (update)

Jun 29

Lazrhog, the guy who ported rRootage to the iPhone is currently working on porting NeverBall to the iPhone and iPod Touch. Neverball is a 3D balance game, which you can compare to Sega’s monkey ball. The goal of the game is to collect as much coins as possible by tilting your iPhone or iPod touch and eventually guide the ball to the exit. altouhg the game is still in development it really looks nice. There’s no word out if this will be a AppStore game or Installer, but my guess is that it’s going to be a Installer version. I’ll keep you updated. Video and screens after the break.
» Neverball – A 3d iPhone labyrinth game

Jun 28

The iPhone community sources have been updated to version 3.86. Version 3.86 just changes the BigBoss repo again. BigBoss had quite some issues last week with his domain names. If you still cant download anything from the BigBoss repo i suggest you refresh the sources a few times, as it has been known that 1 refresh just doesn’t fix it.
» Community Sources 3.86 – iPhone installer sources update

Jun 28

IntelliBorn released a update to their very poppular iPhone/iPod Touch today screen replacement. IntelliScreen is now on version 1.07. The new release adds some fixes in the IntelliDial, SMS Privacy, german Language and a unlock fix. Click the read more for the details.
» IntelliScreen 1.07 – A iPhone today sceen application

Jun 28

Penguin Panic has been updated to version 3.0. The new update to the game adds some new features. It’s now possible to select the skill setting and enable deadly flake. The skill settings allow you to chose between easy, medium and hard. Other than this, i’ve found no updated changes.
» Penguin Panic 3.0 – Penguin tilting game for the iPhone

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