Jul 20

Since the launch of the iPhone 4 we are talking about the Retina Display, the Antenna issue and the camera, but one thing we are not talking about that often is the Gyroscope. The Gyroscope is a new iPhone feature that is more accurate than the accelerometer in the previous iPhone. Why do we need it? Well take a look at the video above, it shows a augmented reality app “Accrossair” on the iPhone 3GS and the iPhone 4 and the difference is pretty amazing.

Jul 16

Apple will be holding a press conference on Friday 16 July, at 10 am PT. This press conference will be all about the iPhone 4 “and his problems”, we can assume that Apple will talk about the antenna issue, and maybe Steve comes with a solution for it. It also looks like Apple is silently replacing the malfunction iPhone devices with an upgraded version, maybe they can explain what’s that all about. We will keep you updated after the press conference later today.

Jul 15

We just told you that PlanetBeing successfully unlocked the iPhone 4. Today he uploaded a movie to YouTube where he is showing the unlocked device and explains how they managed to unlock it. They are still working on improving the unlock because now it still takes 5 minutes to unlock a device. You also need a jailbroken iDevice before you can unlock, so we also need to wait for iOS 4 jailbreak but at this point Comex is working on a jailbreak for iOS4. At least we now know it is possible to jailbreak and unlock iOS4 and the iPhone 4, we just have to wait for the public release.

Jul 13

iphone 4 unlocked
Today MuscleNerd announced via Twitter that planetbeing successfully unlocked the iPhone 4. A view days earlier they already said they have it working as a background process, but today it looks like they made the final steps and created a working unlock for the iPhone 4. Now all we need to do is wait for the unlock to be released, we will keep you updated.

Jul 12

Apple iPhone 4 ads
Apple just launched 4 new iPhone 4 commercials all about FaceTime. The commercials are called Smile, Meet Her, Big News, and Haircut. Apple shows different situations and emotions in each ad. You can see the commercials after the break. » Apple: 4 New iPhone 4 FaceTime Ads

Jul 11

Cases, some iPhone users like it and some don’t. One thing is for sure, if you want a case the case needs to be thin. SwitchEasy Nude is a 1mm Ultra Thin case and is still pretty solid. Its made of Super Strong GE Lexan® polycarbonate material, and covers the whole iPhone. It is available in 8 different colours including transparent. For €19,99 you will get the 1mm Nude Case, two anti-static Screen Guards, one Microfiber Wipe, one Squeegee for your Screen Guard application, two Headphone Jack Protectors and two 30 Pin Connector Protectors. That’s a fair price for what you get.

Jul 10

is a new application for the iPhone 4, its just like chat-roulette on the pc. It uses the front facing camera of the iPhone 4 to video-chat with random people all over the web. It’s the same as FaceTime and works over Wi-Fi, if you would like to chat with an other person simple swipe your finger across the screen and you will be connected to the next iChatr user. Do you think iChatr will be a hit or one big flop? One thing is for sure, you will probably see some weird people on iChatr just like you see on chat-roulette on the pc. iChatr can be downloaded for free here.

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