Jan 02

We told you about the fact that Single-use alarms don’t work at all on januari 1st and 2nd, because of a bug in iOS 4.0.2 and 4.1. Apple responded on this issue with the next message “We’re aware of an issue related to non-repeating alarms set for January 1 or 2. Customers can set recurring alarms for those dates and all alarms will work properly beginning January 3.”. This is not the first time the iOS alarm had some trouble, so hopefully Apple will do something about it this time. » Apple Aware Of iPhone Alarm Issue

Oct 08

Posixninja just posted a new Tweet with the release date of the long awaited jailbreak tool Greenpois0n! It will be released on the “binary date” 101010101010, which is 10 October 2010 at 10:10:10 AM (GMT). Greenpois0n is the first jailbreak tool that uses the SHAtter exploit and can be used for iOS 4.1. The SHAtter exploit jailbreaks your iDevice for life.

Sep 28

The rumor that the Apple TV will be iOS based is confirmed. Apple already posted the restore firmware “version 4.1” for the Apple TV and you can download it here. Because its iOS based “which is the same software running on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad” it is most likely there will be a App Store available for the Apple TV. This could be a big thing for iOS developers and maybe the Apple TV can even be a competition for the Wii. » Confirmed: Apple TV Will Run On iOS!

Sep 04

iOS 4.1
At the Media Event Steve Jobs already talked about iOS 4.1 but only told us that iOS 4.1 will be released “somewhere next week”. But now the Apple website is saying that the new firmware will be out on Wednesday, 8th September. iOS 4.1 will bring us new features like the Game Center, the ability to upload HD videos, HDR Photo and Ping inside iTunes. Also it includes really important bug fixes such as, proximity, Bluetooth and iPhone 3G issues.

Aug 20

The iOS 4 performance on the iPhone 3G is not good, a lot of iPhone 3G users are complaining about the speed and would like to downgrade to a previous firmware version to get more speed out of their device. Version 4.0.1 and 4.0.2 didn’t fix the speed issues on the iPhone 3G, but Steve Jobs has send a short email to a costumer who expressed his frustration to Steve telling a software update is coming soon. » Steve Jobs: Slow iOS 4 Performance On iPhone 3G Will Be Fixed With Software Update

Aug 07

steven jobs - apple event
A Brazilian website MacMagazine claims they received information from a reliable source within Apple, telling the next Apple event will be held somewhere between the 14th and 20th of August. This event will probably be about the next gen iPod Touch “which according to rumors will include a front facing camera” and a new iOS for the iPad. » Rumor: Next Apple Event Somewhere Between 14 & 20 August

Aug 04

ultrsn0w 1.0-1
A view days ago I told you that the Dev Team is planning to release a unlock for the iPhone 4 within two days after some final tests. Now two days later they released the unlock to the public, its called ultrasn0w 1.0-1. Its made for baseband 01.59.00 which is used for iOS 4.0 and iOS 4.0.1 on the iPhone 4. Ultrasn0w 1.0-1 can also be used to unlock 3G/3GS basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01 and 05.13.04. Thanks to a unlock you can make phone calls with any provider you want.

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