In regards to email, Gizmodo is reporting that the iPhone won’t fetch email while in sleep mode. A reader has confirmed that Apple has this as a “known problem,” and hopefully a fix is on the way. For those worried about battery life, this problem may not be bad.
» iPhone Won’t Play Fetch in Sleep Mode
I have noticed a few other new features in the latest iPhone firmware 2.1. Here are the most profound changes and tips that you can have in the latest firmware :
» iPhone firmware changes
Mobile Substrate Safe Mode

Some of you may experience some issues after updating Cydia and installing or de-installing applications. The error you may see is Mobile Substrate Safe Mode. According to Saurik it has to do with Winterboard and the update of Mobile Substrate in Cydia. This was needed to get many applications compatible with firmware 2.1. The text full of pop-up error that appears is as follows:
» Mobile Substrate Safe Mode
PwnageTool and QuickPwn for 2.1 Firmware (MAC ONLY)

Just merely after i posted the update from the iPhone Dev-Team regarding a upcoming Pwnagetool 2.1 and QuickPwn 1.1 release, they have released it. Unfortunately for now they’ve only released a Mac version of QuickPwn1.1 and Pwnagetool 2.1. Another big change compared to previous releases is that the team released their both tools via BitTorrent instead of direct download links (updated with mirrors)! check the full post after the break. Ps: thanks iPhone-Dev team!!
» PwnageTool and QuickPwn for 2.1 Firmware (MAC ONLY)
Our friends from the iPhone-Dev team updated their blog with some information regarding the firmware 2.1. The article mainly discusses that a lot of fake sites are trying to get money (donations) for all the work that the iPhone-Dev team does, but on the end of the article they have 1 very important line: but be prepared for some stuff from us today that is cool. They are probably talking about a updated QuickPwn version that is compatible with firmware 2.1 and most probably a hack for iTunes 8 so it will accept pwned firmwares again. Hit the break to read the full article.
The iPhone-Dev team just posted a update regarding iTunes 8.0 and the new firmware. As they said before, it will take Apple a new hardware design to fully fix the Pwning process, iTunes 8.0 does however have some countermeasures. Read their full explenation after the break.
» iPhone Dev-Team update – Countermeasures
According to a new article. Apple is working on copy&paste in firmware 2.1. Some developers got the firmware 2.1 beta in their hands and found a reference in the Localizable.Strings for copying, cutting and pasting. The features are currently not implemented but are in high demand of most iPhone and iPod Touch users. Apple previously informed us that copy & paste was a feature that had low priority.
» Apple working on copy & paste in fm 2.1?