Apr 13

In the video after the break you will see yesterday’s evad3rs Q&A from HITB conference in Amsterdam, where the team answers questions about jailbreaking and exploits. They also point out that there will be no jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3. Check out the video after the break or the 100-slide long presentation here.

» Evad3rs Q&A From HITB Conference In Amsterdam [jailbreak]

Apr 12

Just a little note for all the jailbreak fans: Yesterday, Evad3rs has presented their work on the evasi0n jailbreaking tool at the HITBSECCONF 2013 in Amsterdam. The presentation ( 100 slides long ) is now available online, and you can check it here. » Evad3rs: Swiping Through Modern Security Features [jailbreak]

Apr 03

Member of evad3rs “pod2g“, announced on Twitter that the evad3rs team is not working on an iOS 6.1.3 jailbreak. “we are not working on a 6.1.3 jailbreak, that would be too much efforts for a minimal update. We’re waiting for a major release.” This means that we have to wait till iOS 6.2 “if Apple will release such an update” or iOS 7. » No Jailbreak For iOS 6.1.3

Mar 03

With over 100.000 downloads within 10 minutes after its release, the iOS 6.x jailbreak tool evasi0n has been the most populair jailbreak tool so far. Four days later that number grew to 7 million and now almost a month after evasi0n’s release, pod2g tweeted that more than 14 million devices have now been seen running Cydia on iOS 6.x. » Over 14 Million Devices Are Running Cydia On iOS 6.x

Feb 26

Forbes reports that Apple’s upcoming iOS 6.1.3 update will put an end to new versions of the evasi0n jailbreak. In Apple’s latest Beta one of the five exploits the hack uses has been repaired, making it not possible to use evasion anymore “unless new exploits will be found”. » iOS 6.1.3 Beta 2 Fixes Exploits Used For Evasi0n Tool [jailbreak]

Feb 21

Evad3rs has updated his jailbreak tool “Evasi0n” to version 1.4 with support for the new iOS 6.1.2 that Apple has just released. To download the new tool go to the official Evad3rs website here.

Feb 05

Evad3rs “a new team including some of the top iOS jailbreak authors” has just released Evasi0n, a new untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.x that can be used on OS X, Windows, and Linux. This is the first time people can get an untethered jailbreak on the iPhone 5. » Evasi0n: First Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 5 and iOS 6.x