Oct 28
This is just a quick note to inform iPhone 4S users that the Dev Team is working hard on a jailbreak for the iPhone 4S, but they are “just a foot in the door” and huge missing pieces prevent public release. We just have to be patient because it is most likely that “when the jailbreak is finished” the jailbreak will be released after Apple dropped iOS 5.0.1. » iPhone DevTeam Working On An iPhone4S Jailbreak But Will Not Be Released Any Time Soon
Oct 13
MuscleNerd has announced that they “will coordinate ultrasn0w iOS5 compatibility update to come out *after* a planned MobileSubstrate update tomorrow”. This means they will update Ultrasnow with iOS 5 and old baseband support soon. How soon they will release an updated version of Ultrasnow is unknown, but they will start creating this update tomorrow. » iPhone DevTeam Will Update Ultrasn0w For iOS5
Oct 07
Just a quick note to inform you that JailbreakMe.com got a new, unknown owner. According to Comex and the Dev Team there is a change that this website will now contain hack or malware. According to MuscleNerd all the web-based JBs will be at jailbreaks.me now. So do not use JailbreakMe.com anymore and wait till Comex or the Dev Team will announce the start of Jailbreaks.me. » JailbreakMe.com Will Be Jailbreaks.me: Do Not Use JailbreakMe.com Anymore! [jailbreak]
Aug 24
The Dev Team has released a new version of Redsn0w that is able to jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 6. Unfortunately it is an tethered jailbreak, which means you need to connect your iPhone to your PC everytime you want to turn on your iPhone. All download links can be found on the Official Dev Team blog, and iOS 5 Beta 6 is only available for Developers. Also there is not boot logo when you jailbreak your device. » Dev Team Released RedSn0w Tethered Jailbreak For iOS 5 beta 6!
Dec 13
Christmas 2010 will be a good Christmas for iOS 4.2.1 users. iCykey sended a tweet to Comex saying “I want a 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak for Christmas :P” Comex responded with “you’ll get it”. We don’t know when Comex will release his new jailbreak exactly but, we do know that you probably need the SHSH-data from iOS 3.2.2 (iPad) or iOS 4.1 to jailbreak iSO 4.2.1. I will keep you updated when more information will be released.
Oct 10
The Dev-Team decided to delay the release of Greenpois0n because GeoHot just released Limera1n one day before the Dev-Team decided to release Greenpois0n. They delay the release of Greenpois0n because they don’t want to use the Shatter exploit anymore, but instead they will use the same exploit as GeoHot uses in Limera1n. They do this because they hope this way the SHAtter exploit “which only can be used for the A4 chip” can be used for the next gen iDevices as well. » Greenpois0n Delayed Because Of Limera1n Release [jailbreak]
Oct 08
Redsn0w 0.9.6b1 is a jailbreak tool that enables you to jailbreak the iPhone 3G and the second generation iPod Touch on iOS 4.1 or 4.0. This tool was already available for the Mac but the iPhone Dev Team has updated Redsn0w which makes it compatible with Windows. Windows users and Mac users can download Redsn0w from the Dev Team blog. » Redsn0w Available For Windows [jailbreak]