Apr 03

In 1993 Apogee released Duke Nukem II. Its explosive action made it an instant side-scrolling classic. 20 years later, Interceptor Entertainment and 3DRealms have teamed up to bring Duke Nukem II back. Duke Nukem II for iOS lets you experience this 90′s classic all over again on the most popular gaming platform in the world! » Classic Action Game “Duke Nukem 2” Hits The App Store

Aug 08

Pixowl Inc. the team behind Doodle Grub app, has released its new app called Safari Party that is available on the App Store worlwide. The game combines arcade and puzzle elements with a Bejeweled-style playfield featuring an unusual method of playing puzzle games. Adorable cartoonish graphics (drawn by famous French cartoonist and blogger Laurel) with crazy bonuses and funny achievements makes this game truly unique. » Safari Party For iOS Brings A New Twist To The Classic Matching Puzzle Game Genres

Jan 09

In Spring this year a new way of Arcade-style gaming on the iPad will be released. They call it the iCADE, it brings arcade gaming to life by integrating your iPad into an authentic, arcade-style cabinet complete with joystick and buttons. The iPad can connect with the iCADE via Bluetooth “this way you can play in normal mode or in landscape mode” and it will cost $99. » iCADE: New Way Of Arcade-style Gaming On The iPad!

Sep 24

Yesterday Atari released Super Breakout. Today they’ve released another one of those classic jewels called Missile Command. Missile Command is a 1980 arcade game by Atari Inc. in which you have to destroy the city’s attackers. The plot of Missile Command is simple: the player’s six cities are being attacked by an endless hail of ballistic missiles, some of them even splitting like multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs), and in later levels smart bombs which can evade a less than perfectly targeted missile.
» App Store – Atari’s ‘Missile Command’ for the iPhone