May 12


The Taiwan’s Economic Daily News reports that Apple will release the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 in August, with a larger 5.5-inch or 5.6-inch model to be released in September. Apple will produce 80 million iPhone 6 units this year alone, according to the same report. » Report Claims 4.7-Inch iPhone 6 To Be Launched in August, Larger Model in September

Mar 02

Taiwan’s Commercial Times reports [Google translation] that Apple is indeed preparing both an iPhone 5S and a lower-cost iPhone for launch in the August/September timeframe. Analyst Kirk Yang notes that each of the devices will be available in two models, one using the standard frequency-division duplexing “FDD” technology that is used in most of the world and one supporting the time-division duplexing (TDD) used by China Mobile “the world largest carrier”. » Budget iPhone & China Mobile-Compatible iPhone 5S Due In August

Nov 28

The JailbreakCon team has just announced the date and location for their next big event: WWJC 2013. Via their official Twitter account they announced that WWJC 2013 will be held in New York and will take place on August 23rd and 24th. They have chosen a venue, but did not release exact details yet. » WWJC 2013 Set For New York On 23rd & 24th Of August

Jun 27

According to AppleInsider Apple will begin production of fifth-generation iPhones in August ahead of a projected late third quarter launch, according to intelligence obtained by one investment banker’s recent trip to Taiwan. Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty issued a note to clients in which she confidently stated:  “Apples next iPhone will begin production in mid to late August and ramp aggressively” into the calendar fourth quarter. » Apple Will Begin Assembling iPhone 5 In August