Jul 25

Here is a tutorial on how to use the newly released WinPwn 2.0. It’s fairly easy to use, but here’s a step-by-step guide on the features. To use this version of WinPwn, make sure you first uninstall WinPwn 1.0 if you have it already installed. Installing 2.0 over 1.0 will cause a few problems. Also make sure you are using iTunes version 7.7. » WinPwn 2.0 Tutorial

Mar 25

Visual voice-mail is a very nice thing.

It’s a pitty we can’t use it (for now).

However, i already have some people who are asking me what the code is to activate their own voice-mail on the iPhone.

Well this is an very easy thing to accomplish.

» Activate your Voice-mail on your iPhone