Apple has announced that it will expand it’s iTunes Festival to the US for the first time ever. The event will take place at the ACL Live at the Moody Theater, home of Austin City Limits, from March 11-15. The live event will feature recording artists like Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, Pitbull, Keith Urban, ZEDD and more. Performances will be available as a live or on demand stream via iTunes, the Apple TV or the iTunes Festival app for iOS devices. » Apple Expanding iTunes Festival to the US
Apple Launched iTunes 11.1.4

Apple has just released iTunes 11.1.4, bringing improved support for Arabic and Hebrew, adding the ability to see a Wish List while viewing the iTunes library and and includes additional stability improvements. » Apple Launched iTunes 11.1.4
Apple is currently holding a sale on movie bundles in the U.S. iTunes Store, offering heavy discounts on collections of both SD and HD versions of films. The collections include popular franchises such as the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Spider Man and can be downloaded for as little as $9,99. » Apple Holds Sale on Movie Collections in U.S.
Apple Reaches Podcasting Milestone With 1 Billion Subscriptions

When you visit the Podcasts section of the iTunes Store you will notice that Apple has just hit a milestone of one billion Podcast subscriptions. Apple introduced podcasts back in in 2005, allowing both individuals and major companies to broadcast episodic radio-style shows. » Apple Reaches Podcasting Milestone With 1 Billion Subscriptions
Apple Releases iTunes 11.0.4 With Improved Syncing and Bug Fix

Apple has just released an update for iTunes that comes with improved syncing and iTunes Store sign-in fix. iTunes version 11.0.4 fixes a bug that caused iTunes to crash when users switched between wired and wireless syncing and addresses an ongoing issue that caused some users to have to log in to the iTunes store multiple times. » Apple Releases iTunes 11.0.4 With Improved Syncing and Bug Fix
Apple Releases iTunes 11.0.3: New MiniPlayer, Improved Songs View & Multi-Disc Album

Apple has just released iTunes 11.0.3 which comes with several new features and improvements, including a New MiniPlayer “MiniPlayer now includes a beautiful new view that showcases your album artwork In addition, a progress bar is now built right into MiniPlayer“, Improved Songs View “You can now enjoy your album artwork while in Songs view“, and Multi-Disc Albums “Albums with multiple discs now appear as a single album“. » Apple Releases iTunes 11.0.3: New MiniPlayer, Improved Songs View & Multi-Disc Album
Apple Adds “Download Later” Option To Large Purchases On Mobile iTunes Store

Macworld reports that Apple has added a new ‘download later‘ prompt to large media purchases “such as movies, TV shows, TV Season Passes, full TV seasons, movie bundles, and music box sets” made in iTunes or on the mobile iTunes Store. » Apple Adds “Download Later” Option To Large Purchases On Mobile iTunes Store