Oct 23

Rovio, the developer of the popular iPhone game Angry Birds “which has already been sold more than 6.5 million times” would like to earn some extra cash by selling Angry Birds toys. And the first Angry Birds toys can be yours this holiday season, Rovio will release a line of plushies! After the break you can see some shots of the brightly colored plush birds. » Angry Birds Plushies Coming Soon

Aug 07

The iPhone controlled marble prototype is one of the many things that proves that the iPhone has no limits. It’s a small black rolling ball, that you can move around simply by tilting you iPhone to the direction you want. It also includes a monitor that can track its motion, this can be used to play games like golf and the ball will notify you when you reached the hole. Its also connected with Wi-Fi so the possibilities are endless. » GearBox Created A iPhone Controlled Marble Prototype

Jul 31

We talked about the Parrot A.R.Drone a view times already here and here. Its a quadricopter with two build in cameras that you can control with your iDevice. There where rumors that the Parrot A.R.Drone will cost around $500, but today they announced the real price and its ready for pre-order. You can pre-order your device for $299.99 and will ship in September. The Drone can be used for augmented reality video game play like multi-player dogfights or just solo flights. » Parrot A.R.Drone Available For Pre-Order

Jun 10

Do you remember the Apple Product Announcement Scene and the Steve Jobs Cube Paper Doll? Well there is a new DIY that you can add to your collection, the Paper iPhone 4. Simple
download the iPhone 4 template, print it, cut, paste and you are done. » DIY: Paper iPhone 4

Jun 03

China did it again, they created a iClone. Its a cheap knockoff of the Next Gen iPhone, before Apple could release the real thing. This phone is called the GPS-PHONE and looks pretty cheap but has a build in TV antenna, a front facing camera, mini USB interface, camera flash and allows you to install java applications. We don’t know what this device will cost, so if someone knows please leave a comment. More pictures after the break. » First Chinese Counterfeit Of Next Gen iPhone!

May 26

A view months ago I told you about the Parrot AR.Drone, a quadricopter that you can control with an iPhone or iPod touch that was showed of at the CES. At that point it was just a prototype not ready to purchase yet, they also didn’t released the price or launch date yet. There are rumors that it will cost around $500 and will be available before the end of this year. But we don’t have to wait long before we know more about the price and release date of the Parrot AR.Drone, because E3 is right around the corner, June 15th to be exactly. » Parrot AR.Drone: Price And Release Date Will Be Announced On E3

Apr 19

Ari Krupnik is a software engineer in Silicon Valley and is working on a project called iPhly. iPhly is an iPhone app that lets you control an RC airplane or helicopter with your iPhone. Simple connect your iPhone with the DSM2 module, launch the iPhly app and you are ready to go. You can control you airplane or helicopter using the iPhone accelerometers for pitch and roll and the touchscreen for throttle and rudder. Its not available in the App Store yet, but Ari Krupnik is hoping to release it soon. » Control An RC Airplane With Your iPhone

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