Recently, we did a post over the issues concerning the Blue Screen of Death when using iTunes 8 on a Vista machine. Well, a workaround has been discovered by someone on the Apple Discussions Forum over on Apple’s website. This process may or may not work for you, but there’s another method inside you can try if it fails. » Workaround for iTunes 8/Vista problems
Rip-Dev has once again update installer to version 4.0b6. This update fixes many bugs and also seems to make Installer work a bit faster. read on for all the new features. » Installer 4.0b6 released
As some people may have noticed before Pwnage Tool 2.0 was released, the iPhone-Dev Team posted some rather cryptic messages in between their posts, well they explain what they meant in their latest post. » iPhone-Dev Team Cryptic messages CRACKED
Update – Installer not out in a week and some dev-team news

The iPhone-Dev team have posted a small update on their blog, just keeping us informed about whats happening. Click More to see the blog post » Update – Installer not out in a week and some dev-team news
THIS JUST IN! one of the Rip-Dev team members has reported on the rip-dev russian blog that installer 4 is being released on Cydia tomorow! Here is the post where the comment was made. It will be available for download through cydia. Or if you have yet to jailbreak your iphone it will be available in the pwnagetool. » Installer being released tomorrow! (update)
At E3, Electronic Arts have announced some iPhone Game updates (Scrabble, Sudoku and Tetris), as well as announcing some upcoming games. To find out more just click the link. » EA announces iPhone Game updates at E3