Sep 23

Most of us love the google maps application on our iPhones. However many of you have commented that the radius circle of the my location feature doesn’t work very accurate. The radius circle in my hometown shows about the full town and not the circle where i approximately live. Google was aware of this issue and they have appareantly made it more accurate. The update should be working for the iPhone 3G (gps based) and 2G (cell tower triangulation). The full story can be read after the break.
» Google updates my location service

Sep 23

If you are planning to develop a application for the iPhone there are certain unwritten rules that you should follow.The developer of the app’s DropCopy and CrossWalk, 10base-t came up with the idea to start publishing all these rules. Some of these rules are actually a little ridiculous. For ex: keeping the vibration on for extended periods will reject your app from the app store. The cool thing is that if you know of any rules, you can contribute to the list.
» Unofficial AppStore Rejection Criteria list published

Sep 22

MailWrangler is an app which enables a user to add their GMail accounts (standard and Google Apps For Your Domain) which they could load and switch between them quickly. It embedded Webkit in to the app and logged you in to the accounts automagically. Normally to check multiple Gmail accounts in mobile Safari you would have to log in and out of all of the accounts, typing the username and password for each. Using just the Apple Mail application you aren’t able to see threaded views, your google contacts, archive (quickly), star, etc without going through the hassles that are present when using Gmail’s IMAP on the iPhone. » MailWrangler rejected entry to AppStore

Sep 22

Torrent Relay released a private beta of iTR. iTR will allow you to download torrents straight to your iPhone or iPod Touch and it will allow you to directly play the media you downloaded!. It’s even is possible to take a torrent-url from your desktop pc/mac onto your iPhone! iTR will continue to download your torrent while you are on the go. However as the app is webbased, i prefer to hold off untill we see a decent native torrent client.
» Torrent Relay (A webapp torrent downloader)

Sep 22

Normally, when my iPhone is syncing, it displays the Sync in Progress screen with the Slide to Cancel slider. Well, sometimes, my iPhone remains totally normal while it’s syncing. Just now, I was syncing Crash Bandicoot onto it, and the display remained normal, and my iPhone retained all functionality. The icon just appeared on the screen when it was finished syncing it. » iPhone display remains normal while syncing

Sep 21

Pangea Software, the creator of the iPhone games Enigmo, Cro-Mag Rally, and Billy Frontier, has announced that they will be bringing the 3D action-adventure game Budgdom 2 to the iPhone. » Bugdom 2 coming to iPhone

Sep 19

QuickPwn for windows has been released by the iphone-dev team! Find out what it supports inside. » Window QuickPwn 2.1 released.

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