Nov 11

engineer-awesomeThe men from Waterloo Labs had not much money to spend, but they achieved their goal: to make a car that can be remotely controlled by an iPhone, a first generation iPhone that is. » Enigneer Awesome Made An iPhone Controlled Car

Nov 09

093618-rick_astley_worm_backgroundAntivirus firm Sophos details the first known iPhone worm in the wild, which surfaced in Australia late last week. The worm affects users who have jailbroken their iPhones and installed SSH without then changing the default password and is currently a harmless exploit that simply changes the user’s iPhone background to an image of singer Rick Astley, but could be used for much more malicious purposes. » First iPhone Worm Affects Jailbroken iPhones

Nov 08

John Carmack is the creator of the classic Doom, a game recently launched in the App Store. In an interview with website Kotaku, Carmack explains that Apple is not happy with the growing popularity of games for the iPhone and iPod touch. This seems  a bit strange since Apple is making ads saying that especially the iPod touch is good for playing games on. » Apple Not Happy With iPhone As Gaming Platform?

Nov 07

A new report from OTR global relayed by AppleInsider indicates that Apple is planning on manufacturing new hybrid iPhones that will support both Verizon’s CDMA2000 network as well as the UMTS 3G network. Only the UMTS network is supported by the current version of the iPhone and is used by AT&T and much of the rest of the world. » Apple To Manufacture Verizon-Compatible iPhone?

Nov 07

sony-ringtonesThe Sony Walkman lost their battle against Apple’s iPod, to become the most popular media player, a long time ago. So it’s time to come with something else. Sony now tries to help Apple a little bit. Instead of having the most popular media player they now try to become the most popular ringtones producer. At least that’s what they must be thinking, because for €14,95 you can buy 1,000 rintones for your iPhone. You get ringtones ranging from Hollywood-soundeffects to musictracks and funny voices from comedians.

» Sony Offers 1,000 Ringtones For Your iPhone

Nov 07

Do you want to brush your iPhone’s chrome bezel and give it a steel bezel effect? All you need is some tape and a sponge with a rough edge on one side. With the sponge, you’re going to remove scratches and give the iPhone’s bezel a nice shiny steel bezel effect. The tape is needed to protect the screen and the back of the iPhone. The video explains it more clearly. The result is better then I thought. » How To Brush Your iPhone’s Chrome Bezel

Nov 06

Near Field Communications reports (via 9 to 5 mac) that Apple is rumored to be testing a prototype of its next-generation iPhone equipped with a radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip. The rumor comes from a “highly reliable source” who provided the information to Einar Rosenberg, Chief Technology Officer of Narian Technologies. Rosenberg writes: » Next iPhone With RFID-chip?

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