Aug 18

The iPhone DevTeam formally announces the availability of “QuickPwn”. This tool is the proof of concept tool to demonstrate the “QuickPwning” of devices without the need for an iTunes based restore. This tool is best suited for users who do not need a custom firmware with specific custom features. For casual users the tool is more convenient as you do not need to make a full new IPSW and use iTunes with it, but the end result is that your device is Pwned and jailbroken.
» QuickPwn released by the iPhone Dev-Team

Aug 17

For those of you that have been upset with Installer 4 recently, here is the new update. Read on for new features taken from rip-devs blog. » Installer 4.0b5 released

Aug 17

Apple has seeded the iPhone 2.1 firmware beta 4 to those four thousand lucky individuals. Apple has simply once again marked this as “bug fixes”. What is new is that Apple has removed the push notification service “for further development”. The push notification service has been included since the first beta release and is expected to have a public release in September.

Aug 16

So, since the 2.0 update, apple have decided to eliminate the ability, to play Video podcasts as audio only.

Why would you want to play Video Podcasts as audio only? click more to find out, and to find out how you can do it on 2.0 » Playing “Video” Podcasts as Background music

Aug 15

OfflineMaps and SpoofApp are two apps that of us remember back from 1.1.4. well now they has been ported to 2.0 and are available in cydia. (but cannot be downloaded at same time :) ) » Cydia mix: OfflineMaps and SpoofApp3g

Aug 14

A while back a made a post about some sources you can manually add to installer to make more packages available. After testing out the repos i said that you can add I found that many were corrupt and caused installer (and in many cases your whole iPhone) to run slowly and crash. I have been researching and found some sources that you can manually add to installer by going under sources and clicking add. » Installer 4 Sources

Aug 13

Best Buy, come September 7, will be the only third-party retailer to ever sell the iPhone. This is big news for those who have not yet been able to buy an iPhone 3G due to low stock. It will be launched in about 970 stores and about 18 dedicated Mobile locations. More information inside. » Best Buy to officially sell iPhone 3G beginning September 7

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