Feb 04

nfs_undercover_iphoneOne of the most anticipated games that EA will release for the iPhone and iPod touch has to be the upcoming Need For Speed Undercover. EA Mobile has released a new video showing the gameplay and i must say it looks stunning. A EA spokesman also informed us that the price of the game will be $9.99 and not $19.99 as previously has been rumored. The release date has been set at March 2009. Hit the break for the video.
» App Store – iPhone/ iPod touch Need for speed update (video)

Jan 20

photo7When the 5 Icon dock came out it was a big hit, more icons, that was awesome! Now when the 5 Column icons came out, it was manual, and very risky! You had to use Mobile Terminal, But now all you need is to download a app, and you got it! Read more to get the link to the video review! » 5 Column Springboard (EASY)

Jan 13

redsn0wThere was a found website called redsn0w.com. No one knows for sure what it is, but there is a lot of guesses as to what this might be. We all know that yellowsn0w was the Dev Teams 3G unlock program, so could this be a iPod Touch 2G Jailbreak!? We sure hope so! But, we’ll keep you updated as to what we here. » What is Redsn0w!?

Dec 31

I have just opened Cydia and found an update to it. So the next time you open Cydia and the sources refresh you will get a pop up telling you an important update is available. More inside!

» Cydia 1.0.2684-40 Update

Dec 29

A little while back some rumors were started that the iPhone 3G was going to be sold at Americas Favorite retail store, Walmart Inc. Even though most of You know, i am here to say that is true! I know I’m a little late with the news, but i was on Vacation in Memphis, Tennessee and I saw them at the Walmart there! Its not as cheap as everyone thought, it only has a $2 off Difference, But Walmart is closer than Apple. Plus, you get to leave with it THAT day, instead of waiting for Apple to ship it off. I just thought i would let you know i was back, and that i got to ”Play” with one of these wonderful Phones! It has such a great feel to it. Granted, some may say it feels ”Cheap” it does Lay in your hand as if you were a Cradle. Thanks for reading! More to come!!! » iPhone 3G Sold at Wal-Mart is TRUE!!!

Dec 17

You may have heard that ”iDealsChina” Have uncovered cases for a Smaller iPhone. (iPhone Nano) Now i don’t know if its true or not, it does seem unlikely, but who knows, Apple came out with a iPod Nano, so small technology is possible. Now, i don’t believe it though, cause think about it… The interface would be HORRIBLE! How many times would you have to ”Scroll” on you favorite websites? Now double that! It would be a pain in the NECK! But, if it is true, i think Apple would be much more mindful, Something would have to change, where the screen doesn’t change. Right!? What do you (The Viewer) Think of this? True or False? I want YOUR opinion! Another picture inside! » iPhone Nano – Is it True?

Dec 16

When Apple released the Mac OS update 10.5.6, it caused problems for Jailbreakers. The update prevents your Mac from recognizing your iPhone when in DFU Mode. Which as you know is needed when wanting to Unlock/Jailbreak. I would recommend you NOT update if you have a Mac and would like to use QuickPWN or PwnageTool. Now for iPhones that are already Jailbroken, if you upgrade, you need to restore, or You’ll be Screwed. Im pretty sure the Dev Team is aware of this error, and i hope they will be working on it soon. » Mac Update 10.5.6 Breaks DFU Mode For Jailbreakers

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