Apple will replace the complete iPad for just $99 when the battery fails, According to Apple’s web site. They will rather give you a complete iPad then opening your device to replace the battery.
91,000 iPads Pre-ordered Within 6 Hours

At 5:30am PT, 8:30am ET the pre-order of the iPads went live. The first 2 hours only, Apple already received 50.000 iPad orders. It took only 6 hours till Apple reached 91.000 orders. The in-store pickup reservation counted 41.000 for WiFi models only.
iPad: Screen Orientation Lock Button

With the iPad Pre-Order started, it looks like Apple gave the iPad a last minute update. They added a screen orientation lock button above the volume buttons. This button is not new but Apple has changed the purpose of the silence switch to a screen orientation lock.
Do you think this screen orientation lock button is a good decision by Apple or would you rather see a mute button. » iPad: Screen Orientation Lock Button
iPad Pre-Orders Has Started Today

You probably know it already, but just in case you didn’t “the iPad Pre-Orders has started”. You can pre-order max 2 iPads per person on the apple site. Will you pre-order a iPad or do you wait?