That the iPad can be useful for artist has just been proven by Kyle Lambert who painted a portrait of Beyonce with only his finger. Kyle used the brushes tool and took him 6 hours to finish his picture. An other artist speed painting can be found here.
My artwork combines traditional painting techniques with cutting edge technology to produce rich, realistic portraits and character based concepts and designs. The iPad expands the possibilities for artists like myself to take digital artwork creation away from the computer and out into the world.
Mobile Vikings is introducing a “data only” SIM card that can be used for the iPad, iPhone or laptop including 1GB data during 1 month for just €12. This only includes data traffic “internet” so you cant make calls or send text messages. Its not a subscription but a prepaid SIM card that you can upgrade any time you would like. You can upgrade you SIM with €15 or €40. » Mobile Vikings Data SIM Card
You think the Apple logo on the back of the iPad is boring? Well maybe the old school Apple Rainbow version designed by Rob Janoff back in 1976 is perfect for you? If it is, you can purchase a Apple Rainbow sticker online in the Etsy store for under $5. Source [FSM]
Three days ago I showed you a movie about the iPhone 4 which was shot with a .50 Cal Sniper. Well after they shot the iPhone 4 “and the iPad” with a sniper, “weird enough” they couldn’t sync the iDevices with iTunes anymore. So what do you do, go to the Apple store and ask for a refund.
We all know that the iPad can be used for multiple tasks, but did you know its perfect for painting portraits? Well portrait artist David Kassan uses the Brushes app to create beautiful finger paint models. In the video above you can see David creating a finger painting of a older man, which took him about 3 hours to finish. Its really fascinating to see what people can do with the iPad. » Artist Using The iPad For Finger Painting
Google just released Google Earth 3.0 which is full iPad compatible. It got full-resolution imagery and they added a road layer to the iPhone 3GS and iPad. Navigation and tilt are easier to use than on the iPhone and of course it is looking much better on the large iPad screen. Google Earth 3.0 is available for free for the iPad, iPhone and iPod. » Google Earth 3.0 On The iPad
Project Green Apple is trying to make a statement against Apple’s recycling policy and the toxics that are put in the iPad, to show its statement against Apple they decided to use 4 torches to burn the iPad. But will Apple even look at the video? And if they do, will they care?