Alright, most people wouldn’t try this out and it look like a joke, but it is possible. So if you are one of the view people in the world who would like to run “the old” Windows 95, 3.1 on your high tech iPad, check the tutorial movie above and learn how to install Windows on you iPad using the open-source Bochs emulator. » Tutorial: How To Install Windows 95, 3.1 On A Jailbroken iPad
Want a nice case but dont want to pay 30-40 dollars for it, well head over to SW-BOX. They’re an online wholesale retailer, and they sell all sorts of accessories for iPhone, iPad, iPods and much more. Not many people know of this site but definitely check it out if you want accessories for dirt cheap prices. » Cases and much more $3.00?
The PC hit Mishap is on its way to iOS Devices, Namco have extended theyre PC hit and brought it to the Ipohne/Ipod touch and The Ipad.
The burton family just bought and moved into theyre new stunning house, little do they know theyre not the only occupents of the house, getting ready to leave they are greeted by a professional parnaormal investigator and exterminitor. » Namco’s “Mishap: An Accidental Haunting”
Finally. Apple is working on iOS 4.2 for the iPad, because Apple just released a beta version for developers to test. iOS 4.2 will include some interesting features such as multitasking, folders, printing and the ability to use AirPlay via itunes with your iPad. If you are a developer you can get iOS 4.2 beta via Unfortunately this doesn’t mean iOS 4.2 is coming to iPad users anytime soon, because the official 4.2 update is slated for November. » iOS Beta 4.2 For iPad Released To Developers
New details has been emerged about the tablet Toshiba is working on. First of all the Toshiba Tablet will be named the Folio 100 which will be released soon. It will include a 1 megapixel webcam, it makes use of a 10.1 inch display and will have seven hours of battery life. The Folio 100 will run on Android 2.2 and will include 16GB of memory, Wi-Fi and 3G, a USB port and an HDMI port. » Toshiba Folio 100: iPad Rival?
Yes you see it correctly, the iPhone 4 carrier China Unicom is advertising a jailbreak service with purchase. They are selling a jailbroken iPhone 4 as well as a iPad 3G. We are not sure what iOS version is installed on these iDevices since iOS 4.0.2 breaks Maybe they only sell iPhones that which are shipped with a earlier version of iOS 4, or they managed to downgrade the firmware version. » China Unicom Sales Jailbroken iPhones!
Apple said goodbye to SurfaceInk after the Silicon Valley developer showed off a tablet design to some potential clients. Apple didn’t like seeing a product made by them that can be a threat for the iPad, so they decided to end their business relation with SurfaceInk. The founder and Chief Executive Eric Bauswell confirmed on Thursday that his company and Apple had “gone separate directions”. Movie of the Linux tablet created by SurfaceInk after the break. » Apple No Longer Working With Design Company SurfaceInk!