Reuters reported that Target will begin selling the iPad this October 2nd, which makes Target the fourth vendor to sell iPads in the US, along with Best Buy, Micro Center, and Apple. A spokeswoman said that Target will sell six models at prices starting at $499. Thanks to the partnership between Apple and Target, Apple will even sell more iPads because a lot of areas have a Target but not an Apple Store. » Target Will Start Selling The iPad This October
Samsung Galaxy Tab Demo [video]

Samsung just released a 9 minutes hands-on demo of their upcoming iPad rival, the Samsung Galaxy Tab. The demo shows all the key feature and benefit of the 7 inch Samsung Galaxy Tab, such as Advanced Media, Productivity and Communication, and On the Go. » Samsung Galaxy Tab Demo
RIM is most likely to unveil their long awaited tablet at the RIM’s BlackBerry Developer Conference – DevCon “which will be held between September 27-30”, the BlackPad. Devcon will take place in San Francisco, California. The Blackpad will be a potential enemy of the iPad with a seven-inch touch screen and one or two built-in cameras, including Bluetooth, broadband, and tethering with a BlackBerry Smartphone. » RIM’s BlackPad Will Be Unveiled Next Week?
Jorno Folding Bluetooth Keyboard

Cervantes Mobile announced a new keyboard that can be used with your iDevice. It’s the Jorno Folding Bluetooth Keyboard that can be folded to fit in your pocket with a size of only 3.5 x 3.5 x 0.9 inches, if you unfold the keyboard it has a size of 8.5 x 3.5 x 0.3 inches. Its perfect for writing email, taking notes or blog wherever you are. You can connect your keyboard to your iPhone thanks to Bluetooth and you only need to charge your keyboard ones a month thanks to the rechargeable battery that you can charge via mini-usb. » Jorno Folding Bluetooth Keyboard
VLC Player For iPad Now Available!

VLC player is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player, that plays almost every type of media file. A lot of your know and use this multimedia player on your desktop or laptop, but now its also available for your iPad! VLC player is the only multimedia player you need because it has every codec built-in. More information and a movie after the break. » VLC Player For iPad Now Available!
Learn How To Create An iPad Stylus From A Protein Bar Wrapper! [Video]

Learn how to create a very cheap and easy iPad stylus out of the wrapper of a Clif Builder Bar, your teacher is Walt Mosspuppet. Good luck!
iPad Launched In China!

Yesterday in China, the iPad “Wi-Fi model” finally went on sale at the Apple Stores in Beijing and Shanghai. As you can seen in the movie above, everybody was pretty excited. Because of the VAT the prices of the iPad are a little higher then in the US. The prices for the iPad range from 3988 yuan ($590) for 16gb, 4788 yuan ($712) for 32gb to 5588 yuan (US $826) for 64gb. » iPad Launched In China!