Nov 15

Google updated its Gmail app for iOS today with an update iOS 7 look for both iPhone and iPad. The iPad app was also updated with a new navigation bar, full screen view for messages in portrait and more. » Gmail for iOS Update With iOS 7 UI & Major iPad Update
Apr 30

Google has updated Google Search to version 3.0 and now comes with Google Now. Google Now Answers before you ask, start your day with weather & traffic conditions and get updates on your favorite teams & news. To provide up-to-the-minute information, Google Now turns on Location Services. Even though the icon stays on, the app has minimal battery impact. Google Search is available as an free app in the App Store. » Google Search For iOS Updated With Google Now
Apr 24

Nicholas Allegra, a.k.a. Comex, “the 19-year-old hacker” who was hired by Apple as an intern in 2011, has found a new home: Google. Allegra wrote on Twitter “In other news, I’m going to intern for Google in a few weeks”. He did not mention what he will be doing at Google, but he won’t be working on Android “an operating system that he has never “like[d] enough to ever want to hack it”. » Comex “iPhone Hacker” Heading To Google For An Internship
Apr 11

As we wrote earlier, Google has introduced the future of communication with project Glass. But, have you ever wondered how exactly does Google Glass works? To find your answer check out the infographic after the break. » How Google Glass Works [infographic]
Mar 22

Folowing the last rumors “Samsung confirmed” that Apple and Samsung both are working on a Smart Watch, The Financial Times now reports that Google is also working on a smart watch that will run Android. The report unsurprisingly suggests that Google views the smart watch as a more mainstream wearable accessory than the Google Glass project that has garnered significant attention in recent months. » Google Also Working On A Android Powered Smart Watch
Mar 13

It looks like Google Now, an Android-only app that aims to provide users with “the right information, at just the right time”, is coming to iOS. A leaked promotional video on YouTube “that has been removed again” but not before an Engadget tipster snatched a copy of it shows Google Now for the iPhone and iPad. » “Google Now” For iPhone and iPad Promotional Video Leaks on YouTube
Feb 24

Google Glass is a tiny computer that mounts to an eyeglass frame and has a small display that is visible only to the user. It includes a built-in camera, GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to give you driving directions, send text messages, showing weather reports and more. It is not available yet, but Joshua Topolsky already experienced using Google Glass and wrote a long article about his experience on The Verge. Google Glass is expected to be released in 2013 for a “high” price of $1500. » Google Glass: New On-Face Computer