WinPwn Tutorials

Here you will find all WinPwn related Tutorials

Create Custom firmware with Winpwn

Howto get iPhone Firmware 2.0 running on your iPhone with WinPWn

WinPwn download locations

22 Responses to “WinPwn Tutorials”

  1. Baruch Says:


  2. Anino Says:

    Thank you very much for these guides and info.

  3. Min Min Says:

    I got 2.0 and 2.0.1 custom firmware. Do not restore to apple’s frimware. Should be restore to winpwn custom firmware. If you restore to winpwn firmware, you can upgrade 2.0 from 2.0.1 by easy restore. the other way easy to downgrade. If you want to build a custom firmware by winpwn you have ipsw files and winpwn

  4. LEO Says:

    Hey, i got my New iphone 3G. i am quite lost after eading so much. If i need to be able to install third party application on my iphone 3G, version 2.02, must i really need to jailbreak my iphone?

  5. Multinova Says:

    It depends on what applications you like to install. If they are App Store then the answer is no. If they are from Cydia or Installer .. then the answer is yes.

  6. stefan Says:

    i had an unlock i phone with, i updated the softerwar with the lates one and now my phone is locked can i unlock it or down grade my phone , i am from uae

  7. vanessa Says:

    hi well i used winpwn 2.4 and 2.5 to jailbreak and unlock my phone and let me say this its unlocked so i guess its a little better than a paperweight but i have no service but i must say your website is the best ive seen for ease of use and information

  8. andrew Says:

    i got my iphone unlocked and jailbreaked, but i downloaded some app off cydia and now its stuck with this guy on the screen. and says the phones in recovery mode if i restore the phone will it still work with my tmobile sim>?

  9. Gene Says:

    hi i have a question dose is everyone experiencing a lose in volume ones you have up-grated from 2.0 to 2.1 and i also am having a problem with the installer there is no packages there

  10. chinoXl Says:

    were do i go to download winpwn 2.4 for free :smile:

  11. chinoXl Says:

    i need the winpwn 2.4 were do i find it to download for free please i need it bad the 2.5 dont work on me :lol: :mrgreen:

  12. LEO Says:

    winpwn 2.4 :lol: i need it

  13. jmerhi Says:

    Is possible to software unlock iPhone 3G 2.0.2 ? Some people tell me that this is possible. Can you tell me how to unlock iPhone 3G with firmware 2.0.2 ?

    Thank you.

  14. dancin_smurf Says:

    Hi ! I have this really iritating prob… Everytime i dwnload the firmware it shows up as a folder not the block! i disabled the auto open on safari didnt wk so i dwnloaded firfox same prob any help appreciated! i have a macbook intel duo. Iphone stuck in firmware 2.1 thats the only software that i can find with pwnage, and pwnage cant pwn 2.1. HELP

  15. power Says:

    i have a big problem on mt iphone 3g..after i jailbreak i restore all my settings and then after the restoration. the phne is loading but it keeps restarting i cant open it.huhuuhuh please help me :sad:

  16. Michael Says:

    Pwnit again, but this time also check the “Activate” box.

  17. Rayrae Says:

    :mrgreen: anyone know if its possible to unlock a new 3g on 2.2 firmware?

  18. Josh Meza Says:

    Hi, I have a 2g iphone and it worked very well until i installed the new 2.2 software and now it says the sim isnt compatible so i am trying to do this “pwn” thing, but the problem is that when i download it and the booters they dont actually show the little image they should, instead they show like the “dont recognize this” kind of image so i cant even open the quick pwn please help me!

  19. dan Says:

    hey i have iphone 3g . an u plz tell me how to ulock thtand how to install cydia in tht plz,,,,,,,,, :grin:

  20. chrysis Says:

    it has been stopped on “congratulations….. ” . it doesnt go any further… what should i do???????????

  21. gustavo Says:

    Hi – Great site! Congrats!

    See if you can help me out! I own a Iphone 3G from the US, but I live in Brazil. It is jailbroken and I use it with a Sim Card, so it is not unlocked yet. I want to unlock it and update the firm. I am current using the 2.1 firm but many apps upgrades do not run on it. What do I have to do? Tks! GG

  22. טכנאי מחשבים Says:

    great tips,thx a lot!

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