Eddy Cue introduced brand new versions of iPhoto, iMovie and GarageBand for both iOS and Mac. He also showed all new redesigned iWork apps. Pages, Keynote and Numbers get a major update, especially on iOS. Here are just a few of the new features.
iPhoto has a brand new look on iOS, a great way to enjoy photos and albums. Photo books coming to iPad.
Cleaner, simpler on iOS 7 making it easier to browse and share videos with family and friends. Select a movie and tap share. Bringing desktop-class effects to speed up or slow down video, add picture in picture, on iPad. New theater mode, when you create a movie on one device and it’s automatically synced across iCloud to all devices, including Apple TV.
GarageBand bumps to 16 tracks, on 64-bit iOS devices, supports 32 tracks. GarageBand for Mac has one big new feature called “Drummer”. Plays along with you, but takes your directions. Comes with several drummers, but 14 more available via a single in-app purchase.
Hundreds of new features available on iLife for iOS and Mac. Free with the purchase of any new Mac or iOS device. And available today.
Full file compatibility. Open a document on any device or platform. Editing a document in Pages on the iPad, a new toolbar at the top of the keyboard to change format. On the Mac, bar on the right is content sensitive to what you’re doing. Shows text edit tools when typing, shows image edit tools when using an image.
Gold standard of presentation apps. Incredible new effects and animations. Object-based animations to iPhone or iPad. All transitions have been updated with more realistic physics.
Gorgeous spreadsheets with object-based design. Beautiful charts. Charts can now be interactive.
Pages, Numbers and Keynotes have been updated to take advantage of iOS 7. On the Mac, they’ve been rewritten from the ground up. Users can share documents via iCloud. Will automatically generate a link with the document opening in iWork for iCloud. No iCloud account required to view. Number one piece of feedback for iWork for iCloud… adding collaboration. Users can edit the same document at the same time on iWork for iCloud. iWork is available today. And for free as well.