Google Glass: New On-Face Computer [video]

Google Glass is a tiny computer that mounts to an eyeglass frame and has a small display that is visible only to the user. It includes a built-in camera, GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to give you driving directions, send text messages, showing weather reports and more. It is not available yet, but Joshua Topolsky already experienced using Google Glass and wrote a long article about his experience on The Verge. Google Glass is expected to be released in 2013 for a “high” price of $1500.
The device will be able to tether to any smartphone via Bluetooth “including the iPhone”. “The device gets data through Wi-Fi on its own, or it can tether via Bluetooth to an Android device or iPhone and use its 3G or 4G data while out and about. There’s no cellular radio in Glass, but it does have a GPS chip.“
For more information check out the review on The Verge or the official Google Glass website.
Source [MacRumors]
\\ tags: Bluetooth, Glass, Google, Google Glass, GPS, Joshua Topolsky, on-face computer, Wi-Fi