Feb 10
Evasi0n 1.2 Released With OTA Update & Timezone Bug Fix [jailbreak]
Cydia / Jailbreak
Add comments Chris Eissens
evad3rs has released a new version of Evasion with a built-in code to disable future OTA updates on your jailbroken device, and a fix for the timezone issue. This version “1.2” comes just a view days after version 1.1 (that included fixes for the Weather app and long reboot bugs) and less than one week after it’s original release.
Full log of the releases:
Version 1.2
- Disable OTA updates.
- Correct timezone issue in evasi0n binary if client fails to correct it.
Version 1.1
- prevent Weather app from appearing on iPads.
- mitigated the long reboot issue.
- fix issue with not working after connecting multiple iOS devices
- fix blinking of the jailbreak instructions on OS X.
- codesigned Mac app.
Version 1.0
- first public release
The Disable OTA function will keep you from accidentally agreeing to install an update on your iPhone and possibly killing your jailbreak.
Source [iDB]
\\ tags: Evasi0n, Evasi0n 1.2, fix, jailbreak, OTA Update, Timezone Bug