Aug 31
New Photos & Video Of Larger ‘iPhone 5’ Front Panel
iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, rumor, The new iPhone (iPhone 5)
Add comments Chris Eissens
A new report from [Google translation] is pointing to a fresh set of high-quality photos and a video of an assembled front panel which they claim to be from the next-generation iPhone “iPhone 5”. The photos and video is coming from a Chinese parts distributor called SINOCET. Above you can see a high quality photo of a front-on view of the assembled front panel next to the same part from an iPhone 4S.
The video in the report focuses on comparing the next-generation iPhone front panel assembly to the corresponding part from the iPhone 4S.
Source [MacRumors]
\\ tags: apple, comparison, front panel, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4S, rumor, Screen Size