Apple Fighting Back Against In App Purchase Hack

A view days ago we wrote about a Russian hacker that released a tool for bypassing Apple’s In App Purchase mechanism, which made it possible to obtaining in-app purchases from iOS apps for free. Now TheNextWeb reported that Apple is fighting back and began blocking the IP address of the server used by Russian hacker Alexey V. Borodin to authenticate purchases.
It followed this up with a takedown request on the original server, taking down third-party authentication with it, also issuing a copyright claim on the overview video Borodin used to document the circumvention method. PayPal also got involved, placing a block on the original donation account for violating its terms of service.
Macrumors said that “The hacker, Alexey Borodin, remains committed to the service and has been working to skirt around the roadblocks being thrown up by Apple, in part by moving the service to a server in another country, but it is clear that Apple is working on the issue and addressing it through multiple routes in order to improve the security of In App Purchase content. For now, however, the service remains operational”.
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Source [Macrumors]
\\ tags: Alexey Borodin, apple, Fighting Back, hack, Hacker, In-App Purchase, Russion