Jan 24

The Netherlands is getting the first Apple Retails Store which will be build in Amsterdam and seems to be headed for a February 18 opening. “According to reports, much of the store staff is currently in training at the Amsterdam Hilton, while Geniuses have been trained at a number of UK stores“. In the picture after the break you can see the spiral glass staircase that customers will see front and center upon entering the two-level store.


Floor plans obtained by One More Thing show product displays and a massive 20-seat Genius Bar on the first level of the store, with additional product displays, third-party accessories, training and set-up, and a Briefing Room filling out the second floor. The store is topped with a pyramid-shaped glass roof over a portion of the sales floor, with the second floor left open as a void to allow the light to filter down to the first floor and increase the store’s openness. Offices for Apple’s operations in the region will be located on upper floors of the building.


Source [macrumors]

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