Dec 13
Comex: Untethered Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 For Christmas [jailbreak]
Cydia / Jailbreak, iPhone Hacks
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Chris Eissens

Christmas 2010 will be a good Christmas for iOS 4.2.1 users. iCykey sended a tweet to Comex saying “I want a 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak for Christmas :P” Comex responded with “you’ll get it”. We don’t know when Comex will release his new jailbreak exactly but, we do know that you probably need the SHSH-data from iOS 3.2.2 (iPad) or iOS 4.1 to jailbreak iSO 4.2.1. I will keep you updated when more information will be released.
December 20th, 2010 at 12:41 pm
Now that is some crismas serprice !!!
Many Tanks Comex !!!!!
Have a nice crismas to all folks.
Marcel alias pa1mar. 73,s