Oct 10

We all like the HDR photos that can be shot with the iPhone 4 and these days it is also possible to shoot HDR photos on iPhone 3G/3Gs, but what about the iPod Touch 4G? Well it is possible, all you need is a jailbroken  iPod Touch 4, running iOS 4.1, this .plist file and follow the how to after the break.

How to:

1. Jailbrek your iPod Touch 4G

2. Download the .plist file

3. SSH into your iPod and browse to System>Library>CoreServices>SpringBoard.app> and copy the downloaded .plist overwriting the existing one. I suggest you back up the original one first.

4. Reboot your iPod Touch

5. Enjoy

Source [Thanks FSM]

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One Response to “Enable HDR Photos On iPod Touch 4G [How To]”

  1. deep Says:

    Sure, it enables HDR, but it totally messes up a few other things. I wouldn’t use this particular .plist

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