Aug 13

iphone3gsGizmodo has received a supposed screenshot from Rogers Wireless’ internal sales systems for hardware upgrades listing an 8 GB iPhone 3GS model. Based on the screenshot and comments from the alleged Rogers employee who submitted it, the 8 GB iPhone 3GS will be offered at the same $99 price point of the current iPhone 3G under the standard three-year contract with data plan offered by Rogers or at $299 without a data plan.

160208-rogers_8gb_3gsAccording to the source:

It clearly shows that an 8GB 3GS has been added to our stock list and is the same price as the 3G coming in at 99$…

The first listing is showing 74.00$ (promo price with data plan and minus customers 25$ discount)

The second listing shows the phone if the customer does not choose a data plan, which is normall 299$ minus said $25 discount, so 274$

I think that when 3G stock runs out they are going to build 99$ 3GSs since those are the parts they are ordering, might as well keep the parts list minimal…

The news follows the appearance of an iPhone comparison chart listing the model on Rogers’ public website. Rogers, however, claimed that the public listing was an error and that there was no such model.


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