Oct 19

LogoMe is a new application available in Cydia via the BigBoss source that allows you to change your iPhone’s boot logo without the need to restore or rejailbreak. I have used it, and it seems to work fairly well. There is a few holdbacks, though. More is explained inside.

When you first run the application after installing it, the app will need to download necessary files from an unmodified iPhone firmware, so be sure you’re connected to the internet.

After that’s done, you can start to change your boot logo. For now, you can only change your logo via images on the web, so you’ll have to input the URL of the image you would like as your boot image. Once you have entered the URL, tap the Download button, and it will begin to download the logo.

After the logo has been downloaded, the Download button will disappear. Now, press the Install Logo icon on the bottom right. You will then be greeted with the options to Preview or to Install.Â

Press Preview to make sure it looks right. When previewing the logo, for me, I got a white bar along the top of my preview, so I was hesitant to install it; however, I tried it and no white bar appeared along the top of the logo when my phone started up. When you press install, a progress bar will appear, and once it’s finished, you may restart and enjoy your new boot logo.

*NOTE* If the application ever warns you that the logo is too large, do not install, because it could cause you to restore your phone.

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45 Responses to “Cydia – LogoMe”

  1. Ed Richards Says:

    HELP!! I installed this this morning and ever since then I have not been able to use the power button/ sleep button or home button on my iPod touch 2.1! I can restart it but that’s it. Apart from that it won’t respond. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :sad:

  2. jgamble317 Says:

    logo me is not working proplerly! the home button doesnt work after logo is installed!!! be warned!!

  3. alwin Says:

    hi,i like the program but where do i find logo’s? Grtz

  4. Cees Says:

    Any wallpaper(site) will do the job

  5. M@RT!N Says:

    Just do a google search dude.

  6. M@RT!N Says:

    I installed the program and it changed my boot screen no problems but now my home button doesn’t work:( Any ideas how I can get it working again short of doing a restore? Thanks for any advice.

  7. jp Says:

    i thought this was a cool app until i rebooted and found out my power and home buttons were not working..can someone please show me fix because i really don’t want to restore..thanks :sad:

  8. KP Says:

    anyone else having problems even downloading the files after the program is installed? I’ve tried cellular & wifi data… still nothing. I’m running the new 1.0.3

  9. iFoneGooner Says:

    Awesome, worked first time for me without any of the problems you guys are having – famous last words, my iFone will probably blow up 2nite :shock:

  10. Ed Richards Says:

    Turns out this works on iphone’s and not ipod touches! No way to fix without a restore

  11. Luketh Dragon Says:

    wow, I downloaded it and was about robuse it before I read this. I think I might hold off till the problem is taken care of. o..o

  12. Braden Says:

    An update was released yesterday that fixed the power/home button problem. Should work fine now.

  13. M@RT!N Says:

    Should work fine but I installed it a few hours ago and now my home button doesn’t work. Does that mean I need to do a full restore of my iphone?

  14. Campan Says:

    No, my ipod is blocked! I installed the app, downloaded an image, turned of the device and now it’s blocked!!
    I suggest not to download this app!
    Now I think I have to restart the ipod with iTunes.. :sad: :sad: :sad:

  15. M@RT!N Says:

    Yeah feel your pain. Lucky I still had my custom restore .ipsw and itunes accepted it but transferring all my data and programs back took a looong time.

  16. Campan Says:

    I restored successfully. The first time I tried iTunes said “unknown error 2002” the second time everything went smoothly. :cool:

  17. jmm Says:

    Do not work.
    Only black screen appears afterwards.
    but at least removed the idiot pineapple.
    Can it be a logo upload problem?
    any suggestions or links to a working Apple logo is appreciated.

  18. jmm Says:

    no one?
    no ideas?

  19. AlliPodHax Says:

    the reason you’re getting a black screen is because the image is not correctly rendered for being a bootlogo, (480×320) it needs a transparent edges (Alpha Channel) and it has to be less than 100kb and it needs to be RGB or Greyscale, also you have to save it as a 24bit PNG with transparency enabled, use GIMP or photoshop for this, i could make you a bootlogo if you send me a pic

  20. jmm Says:

    Thanks for your answer.
    I don’t have a good relation with photoshop… :cry:
    How can I send you an apple logo: a link or an e-mail?
    If it’s a link, here are a few options:
    http://www.aargilvideo.com/LOGOS/mac-logo on black.jpg
    Many thanks and kind regards

  21. mitch Says:

    can i please send you a pic for you to convert. would be appreciated? what address do i send it to? thanks

  22. AlliPodHax Says:

    @jmm – here is a link to the corrected image

    @ mitch – y 2 k c p i ( a t ) y a h o o ( d o t ) c o m

    A Marine.

  23. jmm Says:

    Thank you very much for your time.
    It did not work, though.
    “Image is too large after conversion, it may not work”.
    Then I’ve no preview and it do not installs.
    But thanks anyway.
    Kind regards

  24. jmm Says:

    It must be a problem with my iphone…
    none of my contacts have this same problem, so…


  25. AlliPodHax Says:

    @jmm – it works on mine, so i can’t understand it maybe restore your iphone and use quickpwn to change it, its very simple I could explain it if you want, also my aim is AlliPodHax,

    A Marine.

  26. jmm Says:

    It’s ok, I’ll do it again, thanks.
    Don’t woory and many thanks for your help.

    Kind regards

  27. Omnibeing Says:


    Im having the same black screen problem with my brother in law’s iphone, yet mine and my best friend went right on up and put the logo. Only difference between the three phones is my brother-in-law’s phone is a 3g 8 gig, mine and friends are 16gig 3g’s. Possibly something with the 8gig software? You mentioned using quickpwn to change it to the wanted image. How can one do that?

  28. Seven77 Says:

    I installed this on 10/25/2008 and it works EXCELLENT in my Itouch 16GB, using jpg files so i dont know what the problem with this guys is but i know that in mine it works great !!! THANKS SO much for the creator of this !!!

  29. AlliPodHax Says:

    @ omnibeing – its a little compkicated but bear with me, open quickpwn (don’t do anything else) then go to this folder

    XP – C:\Documents and Settings\(User)\Local Settings\Temp\7ZipSfx.***\Data

    VISTA – C:\Users\(User)\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.***\Data

    and replace the logo.png or recovery.png with whatever you want, (IT DOES HAVE TO BE WITH ABOVE SETTINGS) then just quickpwn your iPhone/iPod with the replace logos checkbox “checked”, and you have a new bootloader

  30. bucketofried Says:

    This really does not work for me at all. I have a 16g Iphone 3g I have tried almost everything my boot logo remains black which I actually do prefer over the pineapple but it would be nice to get something better…

  31. izzo Says:

    Just updated LogoMe this morning, fixes the power/wake button issues
    and uploaded my boot logo on FW 2.2 / iPhone 8GB 2G

  32. chis Says:

    it bricked my ipod and i have to get a new one!!!!! do not download!!!!!

  33. jfeld Says:

    this app is fucked up . . .I finaly jailbreak My ipod with sumthing that duznt do the boot logo so i download this and it TOTALLY FUCKS UP MY IPOD! DO NOT INSTALL!!!!

  34. Messed Says:

    Okay i downloaded this and I ran it and as soon as i powerd down i could not turn it on again and also i cant connect it to the computer now because it wont reconize the device. Any tips? PLEASE HELP!!!!!

  35. M@RT!N Says:

    Start it up in restore mode and then do a restore in itunes. For the rest of you read the comments before you install this program. It messes most devices up.

  36. jfeld Says:

    U guys seriously . . . READ THE FRICKEN COMMENTS! you need to put it in dfu restore it then rehack it if u install it. If you wanna prove us wrong go ahead . . . just dont complain afterwardss

  37. jfeld Says:


  38. Juan Says:

    Its Working Perfectly For Me.
    I Hacked My Ipod Touch 2g
    With Redsn0w Beta 3 or Something
    Like That.

  39. jfeld Says:

    Juan, Thank you for sharing. I just rejailbroke my ipod with the beta and guess what? IT WORKED! i recomend this to everyone. Now I have tux the penguin as my boot logo instead of that dreaded apple . . . thanks dev team!

  40. kevin Says:

    i flashed a pic then it just shut off and wont turn back on. my computer wont even detect it. what do i do?

  41. jfeld Says:

    put it into dfu mode then re crack it

  42. Mike Says:

    I intalled it and then choose and image from my library and flashed the image. after that i turned it of then tried to start it back up. It gave me a black screen for 6 sec. and then when to a all white screen that lasted 35 sec. After the white screen it shut off agean and it keeps doing this loop no mater how many times Istart it up. I dont know what to do but restore it but even that hard to do becase Icant seem to get in in DFU mode.

  43. jfeld Says:

    turn it off then put it into DFU mode. If that doesnt work, let it run out of batteries and try to sync it to itunes. If you have any problems e-mail my fake e-mail legoman@socal.rr.com

  44. Sbapt77 Says:


  45. Texican Says:

    For Any of u who has problems trying to restore the iPhone I hade the same problem but what I did is open iTunes n redsn0w (that’s what I use to jailbreak my iPhone so) do it at the same Tyme n run the jailbreak first n it will apear the iPhone in iTunes but it won’t have any info so the soones iTunes reconise the device click in restore the iPhone afther that u don’t going to be able to see the device in iTunes but u will see I saint on the screen saying (stracting sofwer) let him run n waith it will take about 20-30 minutes so i hope that can hel u guys!!!!

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