Oct 06

With Firmware 2.2 (still beta), Apple seems to finally have decided that it should be up to the user wether he wants his typed-in texts to be auto-corrected or not.

The new switch can be found on the keyboard settings page. However, Apple still not communicated when the new firmware is going to be released.

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2 Responses to “Beta 2.2 firmware feautures auto-correction switch”

  1. Mr.down Says:

    Yeah !!!!
    Finally, that’s better Steve :mrgreen:

  2. More 2.2 Goodies - iPhone Breaking News - iPhoneFreakz Says:

    […] 2.2 Firmware for the iPhone, which has been seeded to developers, contain a useful feature to turn off auto-correction, but there are more goodies that come with 2.2. Other known things are aesthetics modifications to […]

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