Sep 25
App Store – Deals (updated)
appstore, iPhoneFreakz news
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Chris Eissens

It’s starting to become routine that some developers are offering their applications for a lower price or even for free for a defined period. Today we have a new list of cheaper and free apps from the App Store. Click on to see the list.
- Lights Out: Free for a limited period
- Trivial Memory: Free for a limited period
- Crazy Dummy: Free for 24h
- PowerGraph: Free for a limited period
- Crazy Harp: Free for 24h
- Trism: 2,39€, $2.99
- Band: 1,59€, $1.99
- Pianist: 1,59€, $1.99
- Guitarist: 2,39€, $1.99
- Crash Bandicoot nitro kart: 4,99€, $5,99
\\ tags: App Store, band, crazy dummy, crazy harp, guitarist, iPhone, lights out, pianist, powergraph, trism, trivial memory
September 25th, 2008 at 11:12 am
The ones that were on for 24hr are already charging.. :sad:
September 26th, 2008 at 3:34 am
:sad: I just paid for Crazy Dummy that was supposed to be free for 24 hours. Are you in cahoots with the developer? :smile: I think I’m kidding…
September 26th, 2008 at 12:55 pm
[…] de prijs bijgesteld. Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 3D kost nu nog maar €4,99 (voorheen €7,99). iPhonefreakz heeft een lijstje gemaakt van software die op dit moment in de aanbieding is. De volgende […]
September 26th, 2008 at 8:52 pm
PowerGraph saved me $100 from having to buy a graphing calculator! Thank you PowerGraph!