Sep 19

QuickPwn for windows has been released by the iphone-dev team! Find out what it supports inside.

QuickPwn supports 2.1 firmware with the unlocking and jailbreaking of iPhone 1st generation (2G) device. Supports the jailbreaking of iPod Touch 1st generation device and iPhone 3G. Does not support the unlocking of iPhone 3G or jailbreaking of second generation iPod Touch.

Download the torrent of QuickPwn here

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17 Responses to “Window QuickPwn 2.1 released.”

  1. click here Says:

    woop, ive already done mine with someone else’s custom firmware but does any know if there is a way of changing the boot logo without jailbreaking again?

  2. Says:

    Working great (iPhone 3G)! :grin:

  3. Ali Says:

    Working Great .. :D

    iphone 3g as well ..


  4. Peepee mcgee Says:

    8================================D~~~~~~~~~~~ :eek:

  5. Zubair Ul Hassan Says:

    Does it installs Cydia and Installer.

  6. Says:

    yes of’coz

  7. joe Says:

    i need help !!! =-(( someone email me or text me ! 310-961-6583 asap !

  8. itech0ps Says:

    works great! (iPhoneEDGE)

  9. Zubair Ul Hassan Says:

    Do I need to update/restore first through iTunes or can directly pwn through Quickpwn. I have iphone 2G

  10. t0d0j0 Says:

    looks like that is the only way to do it. I’m about to try

  11. t0d0j0 Says:

    this might website should help:

  12. onesilentlight Says:

    I have done the same thing and would also like to change the boot logo.

  13. morpheus Says:


    I have iphone 3g on fw 2.1, itunes 8.0 (I had no choice but to restore, previously it was jailbroken 7.7 and 2.02 successfully – it was bricked when i attempted to “upgrade” to itunes 8 and fw 2.1- therefore the restore )

    Can someone please help I have downloaded the software etc but i get the following error message when i attemptto run the quickpwn gui –

    “The application failed to inialize properly (0xc0000135) click on ok to terminate the applciation'”

    if any one-else had this problem and how they overcame or if someone can kindly provide a checklist i would appreciate

    thanks in advance

  14. Zubair Ul Hassan Says:

    Does it activates the Sim. Because I read in many forums that it does not activate the sim and people are experiencing no signal after pwning.

  15. sandini Says:

    does this work on Vista 64bit?

  16. iphoneluverrr Says:

    hey ppls! im really really frustrated…im a total beginner…i have a white iphone 3g from rogers and want to jailbreak…dont know what to download, how to do it…if youre a pro, PLEASE email me at asap, thanks so much!!!

  17. Rob Says:

    Okay, so I can’t get my phone to unlock with QuickPwn! What’s the deal? The entire process seems to go off without a hitch, but I get the SIM card alert and can’t sync with iTunes. Aaahhh! Any ideas?

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