A process has been circling around that enables you to jailbreak your iPhone running the brand new 2.1 firmware. It’s a long process, but it does work. I’ve done it already, and it works great. If you’re willing to do the steps, then proceed inside.
**I skipped to Step 7, and began from there, and it worked fine. If you’re not sure, I would follow the guide completely.**
Step 1) Download the 2.1 3g firmware or 2g firmware.
Step 2) Install itunes v8 – you can get all versions of iTunes here.
Step 3)Â Update the iphone with iTunes and make sure it is activated!
Step 4)Â Uninstall iTunes v8
Step 5)Â Uninstall Apple Mobile Device Support (From Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel)
Step 6)Â Install itunes v7.7.*
Step 7) Download quickpwn with the correct 2.1 bundle inside it here.
Step 8) Run quickpwn…select your iPhone1,2_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw or iPhone1,1_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw from step 1.
Step 9)Â You can select cydia and installer and logos if you wish (make sure you select Cydia).
Step 10) When it is finished the phone will reboot…Cydia and Installer will NOT be visible
Step 11) Download TotalCommander and t-pot addon
Step 12)Â Install TotalCommander and in the left pane navigate to T-PoT.1.1.zip and click on it. It will install t-pot automatically.
Step 13) Download the mobileinstallation patch
Step 14) Use Totalcommander to install patched mobileinstallation to /System/Library/PrivateFrameWorks/MobileInstallation.framework … clickon the dropdown box [-\-] top left and select network neighborhood then t-pot. Reme,ber to back up your original mobileinstallation first!
Step 15)Â Still in TotalCommander delete /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installation.plist
Step 16)Â Reboot the phone and all is good!
Step 17) Install “CacheDel†from cydia. Run this after each Cydia update. Soon, Cydia, itself will be updated and this step will no longer be necessary.
Guide copied from BigBoss’s site. Thanks to Geeb and all of the #xpwn crew.Â
Just remember to run CacheDel everytime you install an application from Cydia, otherwise it will not show up on your springboard. Enjoy your jailbreak!
October 20th, 2008 at 1:07 pm
`HEY man.. did u fix ur prob? same thg happens 4 me.. need help pls!
November 30th, 2008 at 6:44 pm
same here :cry:
December 11th, 2008 at 10:33 am
Hi guys I have problem and i dont know how to unlock my 3g 2.2 after i did jailbreaker “QuickPwn22-1”
January 14th, 2009 at 10:29 am
is it too late? the link doesn’t work? i can download quickpwn but it won’t extract properly
Step 7) Download quickpwn with the correct 2.1 bundle inside it here.