Jul 31

As we all well know Customize has been released in Cydia. SummerBoard, however, has yet to be released and this is what allows you to put images and video on the iphones springboard background through customize. Click the link to read on and learn how to use the theme browser.

SummerBoard may not yet be here but you can still install themes. When installing themes it will not apply the springboards background, nor will it apply anything to any 3rd party apps you have gotten so this may not be something you want to do. If you do want to install a theme go into theme browser and choose a theme. you can view a preview and its ratings before you download it. Once you have downloaded it go under my themes and select the theme and click apply theme to device.

Customize also allows you to edit the system strings on your phone. Such as changing “slide to unlock” to “do it…”. or changing “slide to power off” to “i will reboot.”

Update: For those confused between summerboard/springboard/customize and dont quite understand- summerboard is (basically) an extension of customize and allows you to put a wallpaper on the springboards homescreen. (it is technically a simplified version of customize) Springboard is what apple calls the home screen and summerboard is the hacked version of the springboard. Without summerboard, you can do nothing to the wallpaper on the home screen. Summerboard installs its own app but it is also integrated into customize. For any more questions post them below and i will do my best to answer!

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31 Responses to “Cydia- Customize”

  1. Braden Says:

    vWallaper is what allows you to set a video as your wallpaper. And Customize can change your springboard wallpaper and third party app icons, as long as they are in the /Applications folder, which is apps installed from Cydia or ssh’d in.
    Summerboard is simply a simple version of Customize.

  2. Braden Says:

    *Correction on my last comment*
    As long as they are installed from Cydia, not ssh’d in.

  3. Jon Says:

    but summerboard is needed to make customize fully functional. without it you cannot install a springboard wallpaper.

  4. bitch Says:

    :roll: :wink: :!: :eek:

  5. Nuke Nine Says:

    So, what r u saying?
    If I install through chlamydia I can’t change; but if I ssh it in I can change my springboard background?
    Thanks for feedback – cuz that does not make sense to me, but ready to learn !

  6. Jon Says:

    you cant change your springboard background at all right now. not untill summerboard has been updated to 2.0. sorry! :sad:

  7. Nuke Nine Says:

    That’s clear – thanks much for your comment!

  8. saeedsaf Says:

    well guys i got a problem here, I can’t find customize in cydia, it’s in the featured packages but when I choose it I get an error that com.spicychicken is missing, refreshed sources a million times now but I got nothing. :eek:

  9. Jon Says:

    your welcome :grin:

  10. Jon Says:

    did you try uninstalling that source and reinstalling?

  11. saeedsaf Says:

    yep, 3 times, but still no hope.

  12. Jon Says:

    hmmm.. sounds like a bug with cydia dude. id just wait for installer to be released.

  13. jazir Says:

    why has NO ONE ANYWHERE covered freeboard? When will that be functional on 2.0?

  14. Jon Says:

    thats exactly why. becuase its not yet functional on 2.0. worry not though as soon as summerboard is released ill be updating the post and ill do the same for freeboard.

  15. jazir Says:

    freeboaard is part of customizr andd is actually a summerboard replacement. I need my 5 icon dock. Can u guys contact TSC and ask him?

  16. Jon Says:

    yes i know, but i will still let everyone know when both have been released and give both a review. :smile: ll see what i can do about asking him.

  17. jazir Says:

    thx man appreciate it

  18. di5tance Says:

    what about winterbrd, im happy with everything the way its setup besides the missing wallpaper apparently, having issues with winterbrd and customize. and one know how to export a theme so i can try and load it via winterbrd also considering customize isnt writing over the wallpapaer how would i pack that in, not to theme savy, creating them tht is.
    tx in advance

  19. di5tance Says:

    BTW i did save my current theme in Customize or created a backup up.

    if it matters

  20. Jon Says:

    check out the post on winterboard.. you cannot export a theme from downloaded from customize and put it into winterboard and it work. sorry! i tried that too found it out the hard way after about 2 hours.

  21. di5tance Says:

    i even tried ssh- a new theme folder inside the theme folder and provide the needed files/folders but to no avail, nodda all i want is a damn wallpaper setting this is bothering me a little too much..i guess wait and see thanks for the quick responce.

  22. Bryant Says:

    hey I am having problems with customize. I mean i can download themes just fine and everything but when i click “apply to device” i go to the homescreen to see if it will load up and nothing happens? Does it functionally work on the 3g iphone firmware 2.0 because I just jailbreaked it a few days ago. I can have a theme i put from winterboard on cydia just fine but when I try to put a theme on from customize it wont work….ANY HELP?? Once I download a theme from customize what exactly do I do to make it work? Do i have to go to preferences or something?

  23. melissa Says:

    hi , first at all i want to say that im very happy with this new software, because i was about to buy a almost $450.00 used jailborken 8g 1 generation iphone with is already used , but since that im see this website with the jailbreak news im going to buy 3g iphone as soon as possible .

    now i really need help to how jailbreak the phone, to get game and all the good things for this new phone , so please if some one can send me step by step email explain how to do it , i will be very happy ,,,,,,my emai is dimelissa21@yahoo.com

  24. yannick Says:

    I cant find customize in Cydia… Is there a source that i need to add first? If so what is it?

  25. di5tance Says:

    see if community sources is installed maybe respring and then chk a refresh might do it but try to see mainly if community sources is avail as a dl or upgrade to you..hope it helped


  26. PWNZER Says:

    This app sucks. DO NOT DOWNLOAD CUSTOMIZE for iphone. It will crash your phone. Sometimes you cant even turn your phone off. It will freeze your new jailbroken iphone. Do not install this product. I give it a zero and a very bad rating.


  27. Lil c Says:

    how do u put it on a 3g iphone

  28. Benjamin Says:

    is there an update so i can use customize with os 3.0???


  29. Hunter Says:

    I keep getting a error. Something like need to instAll the source or something like that. Wat is the source?

  30. Castro Says:

    Once u download a theme using cydia, mine jus puts them background theme and some different sounds.. But I want the icons to change as well.. How do i do that?

  31. Waheda Says:

    Hi. Two days ago I lost my Cydia bu uninstaling something I don’t know what but it was in system can you help me how to get it back?

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